In the 1940s

Airfield map (June 1945) - There is one runway - 76°/256°: length 1097 m, width 79 m (3600 feet x 260 feet). (Source: US DoD)
In the 1950s

Approach (January 1951) (Source: US DoD)

Airport map (January 1951) - There is one runway - 095/275: length 1829 m (6000 feet). (Source: US DoD)
Index to the objects shown on the maps
Radio beacons with identifier:
- Broadcasting station "Sofia No. 2"
- Vrazhdebna NDB "SF"
- Bankya (Банкя), Bistritsa (Бистрица), Bozhurishche (Божурище), Bukhovo (Бухово), Busmantsi (Бусманци)
- Dolni-Lozen (Лозен)
- Iskur (Искър)
- Kurilo (Курило)
- Lokorsko (Локорско)
- Novi Khan (Нови хан), Novoseltsi
- Ormanliyska
- Robertovo
- Shiyakovtsi (Шияковци), Slatina (Слатина)
- Vladaya (Владая), Vrazhdebna (Враждебна)
Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)