Bitburg Air Base, Germany

Historical approach and aerodrome charts

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN495636 E0063340 (WGS84) Google Maps
Elevation 1228 ft
Federal stateRheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate)
Location indicatorDBBI, EDAB, EDRB
OperatorUS Air Force (USAF)
Map with location of Bitburg Air Base, Germany

In the 1960s

NDB approach chart runway 24 Bitburg Air Base, Germany 1960
NDB approach runway 24 (October 1960) (Source: US DoD)
TACAN approach chart runway 24 Bitburg Air Base, Germany 1960
TACAN approach runway 24 (October 1960) (Source: US DoD)
TACAN approach chart runway 06 Bitburg Air Base, Germany 1960
TACAN approach runway 06 (October 1960) (Source: US DoD)

Index to the objects shown on the maps

Radio beacons mit Identifier:

  • Bitburg NDB "BIT", TACAN "BIT"

Air traffic control / Communications:

  • Bitburg Tower
  • Spangdahlem Control

Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)


Image credits are shown on the respective target page, click on the preview to open it.


Approach and airfield charts - Federal Republic of Germany

Historical approach and airfield plates
