In the 1950s

Range approach "Echterdingen Airport" (March 1951) - South of the approach course is the range beacon "DSG", northwest of it on the approach course the non-directional beacon "DSG". (Source: US DoD / USAF)

Aerodrome chart (March 1951) - The runway length is 1,427 m (4,682 feet) (Source: US DoD / USAF)

NDB approach "Echterdingen Air Base" (October 1953) - In approach direction there is now also a VOR. (Source: US DoD / USAF)

Aerodrome chart (October 1953) - Meanwhile, the runway length is 1,800 m (5,906 feet). North of it there is a grass runway that is 1,280 m (4,200 feet) long. (Source: US DoD / USAF)

ILS approach "Echterdingen Aerodrome" (May 1954) (Source: US DoD / USAF)

Aerodrome chart (May 1954) (Source: US DoD / USAF)
In the 1960s

NDB approach runway 26 (October 1960) - Besides a parallel grass runway, there is also a 440 m (1,443 feet) long cross-wind runway. (Source: US DoD)

ILS approach runway 26 (October 1960) (Source: US DoD)

ILS approach runway 26 (May 1966) (Source: US DoD / USAF)
Index to the objects shown on the maps
Radio beacons:
- Luburg NDB "LBU", VOR "LBU"
- Stuttgart Range "DSG", NDB "DLG", "DSG", "SG", "SGT", VOR "DDG", ILS "DLG", Outer Marker, Middle Marker
- Tango NDB "TGO", VOR "TGZ"
Air traffic control:
- Stuttgart Approach Control, Stuttgart Tower
Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)