Toulouse Blagnac Airport

Historical approach and aerodrome charts

Aéroport Toulouse-Blagnac - Cartes d'approche / d'atterrissage historiques

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN433747 E0012149 (WGS84) Google Maps
RegionSouthern France / Midi de la France, Garonne, Canal du Midi
Location indicatorLFBO
OperatorAirbus, Avions de Transport Régional
Map with location of Toulouse Blagnac Airport, France

In the 1950s

Toulouse Blagnac Airport chart, France 1950
Airport map (October 1950) (Source: US DoD)
NDB approach chart Toulouse Blagnac, 1953
NDB approach (September 1953) (Source: US DoD)
Map Toulouse Blagnac Airport, France 1953
Airport map (September 1953) - There are two runways - 12/30: length 1600 m, width 40 m (5250 feet x 131 feet), 15/33: length 2500 m, width 60 m (8202 feet x 197 feet). It is noteworthy that runway 12/30 has two areas covered with perforated steel plates (PSP, hatched areas) (Source: US DoD)

In the 1960s

ILS approach chart runway 15 Toulouse Blagnac Airport, France 1960
ILS approach runway 15 (October 1960) - There are two runways - 12/30: length 800 m, width 50 m (2624 feet x 164 feet), 15/33: length 2500 m, width 60 m (8202 feet x 197 feet). (Source: US DoD)

Index to the objects shown on the maps


  • Balma, Blagnac, Francazal, Lasbordes, Montaudran,

Radio beacons:

  • Blagnac NDB "FNT5", "FOU", Locator "TB", ILS "TO", Outer Marker, Middle Marker, Inner Marker

Air traffic control:

  • Blagnac Approach Control, Blagnac Airport


  • Blagnac
  • Castanet, Colomiers
  • Drémil
  • Garonne, Grammont, Grenade sur Garonne
  • La Garonne, Le Touch
  • Montastruc-la-Conseillère
  • Saint-Lys, Saint-Martin-du-Touch
  • Toulouse

Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)


Historical approach charts - France

Historical approach and airfield plates

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