Norrköping Kungsängen Airport

Historical approach and aerodrome charts

Norrköpings flygplats - Kartor

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN583510 E0161505 (WGS84) Google Maps


Region: Östergötlands län, Baltic sea

Location Indicator: ESSP

In the 1950s

NDB approach chart runway 27 Norrköping Kungsängen flygplats, Sverige 1952
NDB approach runway 27 (February 1952)
(Source: US DoD)
Karta Norrköping Kungsängen flygplats, Sverige 1952
Airport chart (February 1952)
Runway 09/27 is specified with a length of 1,701 m (5,580 feet) and a width of 60 m (197 feet). There is approach lighting on each side. In the east there is the 'K' radio beacon. The map on the left and at the bottom still shows the railway from Norrköping östra station via Brånnestad, Kummelby, Tingstad to Soderkoping, which no longer exists (Norrköping-Söderköping-Vikbolandets Järnväg, NSVJ)
(Source: US DoD)

In the 1960s

NDB approach runway 27 Norrköping Kungsängen Airport 1960
NDB approach runway 27 (October 1960)
Now the runway is shown as - 09/27: length 1700 m, width 60 m (5577 feet x 197 feet).
(Source: US DoD)
NDB approach runway 27 Norrköping Kungsängen flygplats, Sweden 1966
NDB approach runway 27 (May 1966)
(Source: US DoD)

Index to the objects shown on the maps

Aerodromes / Flygfält:

  • Bravalla, Kungsängen

Radio beacons / Radiofyrar:

  • Kungsängen NDB "ON", "K", Outer Marker

Air traffic control / Flygledning:

  • Kungsängen Tower

Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)


Image credits are shown on the respective target page, click on the preview to open it.


Historical approach and aerodrome charts - Sweden

Historical approach and airfield plates

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