Hassleben Airfield, Germany

Haßleben: Airfield

Hassleben, Хаслебен

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN510700 E0110058 (WGS84) Google Maps
Elevation 505 ft
Former East Germany (GDR)District of Erfurt
Federal stateThüringen (Thuringia)
Map with location of Hassleben airfield, Germany
Germany during the Cold War Map
The history of the Cold War airfields: Hassleben


Hassleben was established as a reserve airfield for the Soviet armed forces. In the 1980s, a helicopter unit was stationed at the field. With the withdrawal of the Soviet troops in the early 1990s, the airfield was closed and dismantled.

During the Cold War



Soviet reserve airfield


Hassleben airfield on a map 1972
Haßleben Airfield on a map of the US Department of Defense from 1972 - The blue lines mark the southern allied air corridor from and to Berlin (ONC E-2 (1972), Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, University of Texas at Austin /PCL MC/)

Radio beacons

Data for the 1970s?
  • LOM: 164 "ZP"
  • LMM: 341 "Z"


Underground tanks at Hassleben. Germany
07 July 1973: Underground tanks - Observation by the US Military Liaison Mission: Construction of buildings and at least 35 underground tanks
Su-7 FITTER deployment from Großenhain Air Base
06 until 08 July 1975: Deployment from Großenhain - The USMLM observes a deployment of two squadrons Su-7 FITTER A from Großenhain to Hassleben, observed at the 06th, 07th and 08th July

Cross reference: Großenhain Air Base



Soviet helicopter base. Probably the field can still be used as a reserve airfield.


Aerial picture Hassleben airfield October 1990.
Haßleben on an aerial picture from October 1990. - (Source: GDI-Th, Freistaat Thüringen, TLVermGeo, www.geoportal-th.de, Data licence Germany – attribution – version 2.0, www.govdata.de/dl-de/by-2-0, /Geo Thür/)


Data for the year 1990:
  • 10/28: 250 m hard surface, for helicopter


The call sign was PYLKI.

Coordination with other airfields

Zusammenarbeit zwischen der APP ERFURT und der FSS HASSLEBEN

Quelle: Anweisung für den zivilen Flugsicherungsdienst in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (AFD), 1985..1990
Das Flugsicherungsorgan des Flugplatzes HASSLEBEN ist bei Flugdienst am Flugplatz HASSLEBEN verpflichtet, über das Flugsicherungsorgan am Flugplatz NOHRA die APP ERURT über den Beginn und das Ende der Flüge sowie über die Flughöhen zu informieren.
Die APP Erfurt ist verpflichtet, das Flugsicherungsorgan des Flugplatzes HASSLEBEN über das Flugsicherungsorgan des Flugplatzes NOHRA über Zeit und Höhe der Flüge im CTR/TMA ERFURT zu informieren.
Bei Starts und Landungen von Luftfahrzeugen auf dem Flughafen ERFURT beträgt die Flughöhe in den Kunstflugzonen des Flugplatzes NOHRA und in der Platzrunde des Flugplatzes HASSLEBEN max. 300 m AGL.


298 OVE: Mi-2, Mi-6, Mi-8, Mi-24


Images from October 1990
(Source: GDI-Th, Freistaat Thüringen, TLVermGeo, www.geoportal-th.de, Data licence Germany – attribution – version 2.0, www.govdata.de/dl-de/by-2-0, /Geo Thür/)
220 m long runway for helicopters, especially for Mi-6
The 220 m long runway for helicopters, especially for Mi-6 and related models
Control tower
Control tower?
Radio beacon
Radio beacon, about 1200 m east of the runway
Helicopter hardstands
Helicopter hardstands, western side
Helicopter hardstands
Helicopter hardstands, eastern side
Barracks at Hassleben, Germany
Tank at the eastern side
Tank at the eastern side
Tanks at the western side
Tanks at the western side
Plattenbau (industrialized apartment block) within the barracks
Plattenbau (industrialized apartment block) within the barracks
Storage area Hassleben
Storage area?
Object in the southeast
Object in the southeast
Helicopter Mi-6 at Hassleben aerodrome, Germany
A single helicopter Mi-6
Hassleben Mi-8
Helicopters Mi-2
Five helicopters Mi-2
Mi-2 helicopter gate guard
Is there a Mi-2 helicopter at the gate as gate guard? - The shadow cast suggests it





Aerial picture Hassleben airfield
Aerial picture, composed of pictures from 2011, 2014 and 2016 - The airfield has been mostly recultivated. The basic structures are still recognizable (Source: GDI-Th, Freistaat Thüringen, TLVermGeo, www.geoportal-th.de, Data licence Germany – attribution – version 2.0, www.govdata.de/dl-de/by-2-0, /Geo Thür/)



  • : "USMLM Unit History 1973"
  • : "USMLM Unit History 1975"


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