Freiburg Airport

Base de l’ALAT Fribourg-en-Brisgau

Freiburg im Breisgau: Airport

Base de l’ALAT Fribourg-en-Brisgau (Allemagne)

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN480120 E0074958 (WGS84) Google Maps
Elevation 799 ft
Federal stateBaden-Württemberg
RegionBreisgau, Upper Rhine Plain, Black Forest, Dreisam
Location indicatorDFFG (195x), EDTF
Germany during the Cold War Map
The history of the Cold War airfields: Freiburg im Breisgau


Der Flugbetrieb in Freiburg begann vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg. In den 1920er und 1930er Jahren blieb der Platz eher einfach ausgestattet, es etablierte sich aber ein Linienverkehr. Im Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde Freiburg von verschiedenen Einheiten der Luftwaffe militärisch genutzt. Während des Kalten Krieges wurde der Flugplatz eine Basis der französischen Heeresflieger, die hier mit Hubschraubern parallel zum zivilen Luftverkehr flogen. Nach dem Abzug der Franzosen siedelten sich die Messe Freiburg und das neue Fußballstadion an, während der Platz weiterhin als Verkehrslandeplatz betrieben wird.

Location of airfield

The airfield is located in the northwest of Freiburg.

The beginnings


Aerial picture from 20 June 1917 - Looking approximately to the west /LABW 1-840761-1/
Enlargement: Hangars in the south along the railway track - /LABW 1-840761-1/
Enlargement: Airplanes and buildings - /LABW 1-840761-1/





Location of the airfield on a map from the 1920s - /FHB 1928/


The airfield in the Aeronautical Information Publication as of March 1930. - /FHB 1928/
Aerial picture, about 1930 - The view is approximately south

Airfield characteristics at daytime

On the terminal building white inscription "Freiburg im Breisgau". Smoke oven in the middle of the movement area. Windsack on the former barracks at the southern end of the movement area. The water tower of the Rhodiaseta factory north-east of the movement area is marked and is given a red light in foggy weather.

Airfield characteristics at night

No night lighting provided. For night landings: Emergency lighting.

Runways, taxiways, aprons

Good sod sandy soil. The path, which can be seen from the aerial view, and which extends across the movement area, has been embedded. Shortest rolling length: in northeast-southwest direction 600 m.


1 hangar 38 x 20 m, height 7 m, door width 32 m, door height 6 m. The aircraft hall contains a crane with a weighing capacity of 1 t.


A workshop for minor repairs is in the aircraft hall. In the vicinity repair possibility in the workshops of the administrator; autogenous welding system, charging station for accumulators; electricity: AC 220/380 volts. Spare parts for commercial aircraft and for BMW IV engines available.

Fuel equipment

For 2000 l of standard fuel of the Deutsche Luft Hansa, 2000 l constantly in stock.

Railway siding

The airfield is located in the immediate vicinity of the main goods station.

First aid in the case of accidents

Provided by the aviation police station, medical room available. Nearest doctor in Freiburg im Breisgau (1.7 km distance).

Customs, post office, passport

Customs office and post office with telephone and telegraph as well as passport authority is available.

Accommodation of passengers

In the city.


Shuttle service at times of scheduled departures and landings. Taxi cabs on call at any time.
/FHB 1928/


Timetable in spring 1939

In spring 1939 Freiburg is served by two scheduled flights:
Köln (Cologne Butzweilerhof) - Frankfurt/Main (Rhein/Main) - Mannheim - Karlsruhe -Freiburg
Weekdays, operated by Lufthansa with Junkers Ju 52 aircraft.
Departure - arrival:
Köln 10:30 - 11:20 Frankfurt/M 12:15 - 12:40 Mannheim 12:50 - 13:10 Karlsruhe 13:20 - 14:00 Freiburg
Freiburg 16:45 - 17:25 Karlsruhe 17:35 - 17:55 Mannheim 18:05 - 18:30 Frankfurt/M 18:50 - 19:40 Köln
Fares in Reichsmark Single flight / return / excess baggage per kg
Karlsruhe: 12, - / 21,60 / 0,15 RM
Mannheim: 19, - / 34,20 / 0,15 RM
Frankfurt/M: 28, -/ 50,40 / 0,20 RM
Cologne: 51, - / 91,80 / 0,40 RM
Free luggage allowance 15 kg
Freiburg - Stuttgart (Böblingen)
Weekdays, operated by Lufthansa with Junkers Ju 160 aircraft.
Departure - arrival:
Freiburg 06:35 - 07:10 Stuttgart
Stuttgart 18:00 - 18:35 Freiburg
Fares in Reichsmark Single flight / return / excess baggage per kg
Stuttgart: 15, - / 27, - / 0,15 RM
Maximum baggage per passenger 5 kg

During World War II

Luftwaffe airfield


Freiburg during World War II on a US map from 1944
Source: McMaster University Library Digital Archive, Lizenz: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 CC BY-NC 2.5 CA

During the Cold War

The airfield was a base of the French army aviation (Aviation légère de l’armée de Terre, ALAT), with a joint civil use.

In the 1950s

In the 1950s the airfield had the location indicator DFFG (the DF range was used for airfields of the French forces in Germany - Forces françaises en Allemagne, FFA).


Freiburg im Breisgau Airfield on a US map from 1953 - Composed of two map sheets (AMS M841 GSGS 4414, Courtesy Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University /BYU/)


Advertising helicopter on 31 May 1954 - /LABW 5-129634-1/
Southern part of the airfield and hospital on 31 May 1954 - /LABW 5-129663-1/

In the 1960s


Opening of scheduled services Freiburg - Stuttgart and back on 06 August 1963 - De Havilland Heron D-CASI of Südflug /LABW 5-794320-1/
- /LABW 5-794323-1/
Control tower on trailer in 1963
- /LABW 5-794341-1/
De Havilland Heron PH-ILA of Philips in Freiburg on 25 August 1964 - /LABW 5-794342-1/
Aerial picture from 1969 - /LABW 5-2041705-1/

In the 1970s


Freiburg im Breisgau Airfield, Germany, on a US satellite image 1975
Freiburg im Breisgau Airfield on a US satellite image from 13 July 1975 - The field looks torn up, probably because of the construction of the new runway.
Source: U.S. Geological Survey


In the early 1970, Freiburg has a runway made of pierced steel planking (PSP) with a length of about 1645 m (5400 ft)

Radio beacons

In the beginning of the 1970s, the use of a broadcasting station as navigation aid is proposed, which is located at N4801 E00748 and transmits on the frequency 827 kcs (The indicated position is located about 2.5 km west of the airfield).

Radio communication

Data for the early 1970s:
  • Tower: 140.8, 46.9, 38.2 (these are military frequencies)


Customs clearance is made by French Police.


Aerial pictures from 1974

Looking southwest - /LABW 5-794795-1/
Looking southwest - /LABW 5-794800-1/
Enlargement: The base of the French army aviation (ALAT) and helicopter landing area - /LABW 5-794800-1/

Construction of a new runway in 1975

Looking north - /LABW 5-2042320-1/
Looking north - /LABW 5-2042321-1/
Looking northwest - /LABW 5-2042322-1/

Journalists at a helicopter demonstration with Gen. Haicault de la Regontais / 15 April 1976

With the first three pictures, nearly the complete hangar front can be seen, from the east to the northwest
Hangars east up to the knee - /LABW 5-501493-1/
From the knee to the tower, Alouette II helicopter in front - /LABW 5-501511-1/
From the tower to the hangar north - /LABW 5-501497-1/
A Puma helicopter in the hangar - /LABW 5-501512-1/
Helicopter SA.330 Puma - /LABW 5-501502-1/
Helicopter Puma and Alouette III - /LABW 5-501504-1/
Helicopter Puma und Alouette III - /LABW 5-501505-1/
Helicopter SA-319 Alouette III - /LABW 5-501507-1/
Helicopter SA.319 Alouette III - /LABW 5-501510-1/

Reopening of the airfield in 1976

New tower building
Control tower and windsock - /LABW 5-2042325-1/
Control tower with direction finder antenna on the roof - /LABW 5-2042326-1/
In the control tower - /LABW 5-795036-1/

Images 1978

Experimental flying day 02 September 1978, from the rubble mountain looking east - /LABW 5-795401-1/
Aerial picture with a view to the tower and buildings
in the east part
- /LABW 5-2042907-1/

1980s and early 1990s


Freiburg im Breisgau Airfield on a map of the US Department of Defense from 1981 - (ONC F-2 (1981), Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, University of Texas at Austin /PCL MC/)

Runways, taxiways, aprons

Data for the year 1990:
  • 16/34: 1240 m x 30 m Asphalt



General aviation airfield.



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