Funkfeuer in Frankreich in den 1950er Jahren

Navaids: NDB, Range, ILS

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Die folgende Liste enthält die Luftfahrt-Funkfeuer, die in Frankreich Mitte der 1950er Jahre aktiv waren. Alle Informationen sind veraltet und dürfen nicht für navigatorische Zwecke verwendet werden.

Zu dieser Zeit wurden überwiegend ungerichtete Funkfeuer (NDB) genutzt. Zusätzlich gab es noch einzelne Ranges, aber der Bestand ging zurück. Dafür waren erste UKW-Drehfunkfeuer (VOR) im Einsatz. Die großen Flughäfen des Landes waren mit einem Instrumentenlandesystem (ILS) ausgestattet.

Bemerkenswert ist, dass es in Istres noch immer ein Eureka-Funkfeuer gab. Das scheint das letzte der ohnehin wenigen Eurekas in Frankreich gewesen zu sein.

Funkfeuer und Luftstraßen 1955

Normandie, Bretagne
Normandie, Bretagne (Quelle: DoD)
Île-de-France (Quelle: DoD)
Vergrößerung Paris (Quelle: DoD)
Alsace, Ardenne, Champagne, Lorraine
Alsace, Ardenne, Champagne, Lorraine (Quelle: DoD)
Vergrößerung (Quelle: DoD)
Bretagne, Loire, Aquitaine
Bretagne, Loire, Aquitaine (Quelle: DoD)
Val de Loire
Val de Loire (Quelle: DoD)
Bourgogne (Quelle: DoD)
Aquitaine / Bordeaux
Aquitaine / Bordeaux (Quelle: DoD)
Rhône-Alpes (Quelle: DoD)
Pyrénées-Atlantiques (Quelle: DoD)
Midi-Pyrénées, Languedoc-Roussillon
Midi-Pyrénées, Languedoc-Roussillon (Quelle: DoD)
Côte d’Azur
Côte d’Azur (Quelle: DoD)
Istres, Marseilles
Vergrößerung Istres, Marseilles (Quelle: DoD)
Flugplätze Korsika (Corse)
Korsika (Corse) (Quelle: DoD)



civcivilziviler Betreiber
GPGlide pathGleitwegsender
ILSInstrument Landing SystemInstrumentenlandesystem
IMInner MarkerPlatzeinflugzeichen.
(Markierungsfunkfeuer direkt vor der Landebahn)
kHzKilohertz(Einheit für die Frequenz)
LLocatorUngerichtetes Funkfeuer für den Anflug
LMMLocator Middle MarkerKombination aus Locator und Middle Marker
LOMLocator Outer MarkerKombination aus Locator und Outer Marker
mMeter(Einheit für die Länge)
MHzMegahertz(Einheit für die Frequenz)
milmilitarymilitärischer Betreiber
MMMiddle MarkerHaupteinflugzeichen (Markierungsfunkfeuer)
NDBNon-directional beaconUngerichtetes Funkfeuer auf Lang- oder Mittelwelle
NMNautical MilesSeemeilen
OMOuter MarkerVoreinflugzeichen (Markierungsfunkfeuer)
PRMGПРМГ Посадочная радиомаячная группаSowjetisch / russisches militärisches Instrumentenlandesystem
RSBNРСБН Rадиотехническая система ближней навигацииSowjetisch / russisches militärisches Funknavigationssystem
SBAStandard Beam ApproachAnflughilfe, Lorenz-System, Vorgänger des ILS
THRThresholdLandebahnschwelle (meist mit Nummer der Landebahn)
transf.transformiertKoordinaten wurden aus einem anderen Referenzsystem umgerechnet, daher sind Abweichungen möglich.
VARVisual-Aural RnangeRange im UKW-Bereich mit optischen und akustischen Signalen
VORVHF Omnidirectional Radio RangeUKW-Drehfunkfeuer
WWatt(Einheit für die Leistung)
WGS84World Geodetic System 1984(Geodätisches Referenzsystem, GPS-Koordinaten)


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Ailly: NDB (mil)
N4955 E00058 (approx.) Google Maps
AL, 310.3 kHz
Military radio beacon. Operated H+00 and every 6 minutes.

Ajaccio: Flughafen Campo dell'Oro

Ajaccio/Campo dell'Oro: NDB
N4154 E00837 (approx.), 094°/7.0 NM to field Google Maps
AJ, 341 kHz, 40 W

Alpha: Marker
N4927 E00131 (approx.) Google Maps
A, 75 MHz

Amboise: NDB
N4725 E00102 (approx.) Google Maps
AM, 341.5 kHz, 80 W

Avord: Flugplatz

Avord: NDB (FAF)
N4705 E00241 (approx.) Google Maps
AV, 289 kHz
Operated on request for aircraft landing at Avord or Bourges.
Avord: Range (FAF)
N4705 E00241 (approx.) Google Maps
AV, 353 kHz
The four predefined courses to the Range were 057°, 147°, 237° and 327°. Operated on request for aircraft landing at Avord or Bourges.

Barfleur/Gatteville: NDB
N4942 W00116 (approx.) Google Maps
FG, 291.9 kHz
Operated H+04 and every 6 minutes.

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Basel-Mulhouse: Flughafen

Basel/Mulhouse: Locator
N4736 E00732 (approx.) Google Maps
BS, 276 kHz, 40 W
Runway 16:
Basel/Mulhouse: ILS 16
FNH, 109.5 MHz
Operated continuously in IFR. Other times on request to Tower with 10 minutes notice.
Basel/Mulhouse: MM 16
160°/0.55 to THR 16
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Basel/Mulhouse: LOM 16
N4740 E00729 (approx.), 160°/3.76 NM to THR 16 Google Maps
Locator: BN, 306.5 kHz, 40 W
Outer Marker: Dashes, 75 MHz

Bastia: Flughafen Poretta

Bastia/Poretta: NDB
N4233 E00930 (approx.) Google Maps
FOT, 369 kHz, 500 W

Belle-Île: NDB
N4719 W00314 (approx.) Google Maps
BT, 303.4 kHz
Operated H+05 and every 6 minutes.

Biarritz: Flughafen (Aéroport International de Biarritz Pays Basque)

Biarritz/Bayonne: NDB
N4328 E00130 (approx.) Google Maps
BZ, 249.5 kHz

Bordeaux: Flughafen Mérignac (Base aérienne 106 Bordeaux-Mérignac)

Bordeaux/Mérignac: Locator
N4452 W00057 (approx.) Google Maps
GW, 274 kHz, 40 W
Bordeaux/Mérignac: NDB
N4456 W00034 (approx.), 243°/8.2 NM to field Google Maps
FOX, 393 kHz, 300 W
Runway 23:
Bordeaux/Mérignac: Locator
N4450 W00043 (approx.) Google Maps
BD, 361 kHz

Bray-sur-Seine: NDB
N4825 E00314 (approx.) Google Maps
RA, 341.5 kHz, 40 W
Bray-sur-Seine: Range
N4824 E00318 (approx.) Google Maps
FNY, 277 kHz, 40 W
The four predefined courses to the Range were 124°, 166°, 289° and 359°.
Bray-sur-Seine: VOR
N4824 E00318 (approx.) Google Maps
FNY, 114.1 MHz, 200 W

Cap Béar: NDB
N4231 E00308 (approx.) Google Maps
BR, 287.3 kHz
Operated H+00 and every 6 minutes.

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Cap d'Antifer: NDB
N4941 E00010 (approx.) Google Maps
TI, 305.7 kHz
Operated H+00 and every 2 minutes.

Cap Ferret: NDB
N4439 W00115 (approx.) Google Maps
FT, 296.5 kHz
Operated H+00 and every 6 minutes.

Carcassonne: Flughafen Salvaza

Carcassonne/Salvaza: NDB
N4313 E00219 (approx.) Google Maps
CS, 345 kHz, 40 W

Chambley: Flugplatz Bussières

Chambley: NDB (USAF)
N4856 E00544 (approx.) Google Maps
ME, 515 kHz, 100 W

Châteauroux: Flugplatz Déols (Aéroport de Châteauroux-Centre)

Data for 1955:
Châteauroux: NDB (USAF)
N465149 E0014303 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
FDK, 466 kHz
At field.
Data for 1956:
Châteauroux: NDB (USAF)
N4656 E00148 (approx.), 220°/5.2 NM to field Google Maps
FDK, 466 kHz, 100 W
In the approach sector for runway 22.

Châtillon-sur-Marne: NDB
N4906 E00346 (approx.) Google Maps
CH, 398.5 kHz, 40 W

Chaumont: Flugplatz (Aérodrome de Chaumont-Semoutiers, Quartier General d’Aboville)

Runway 19:
Chaumont: NDB (USAF)
N4811 E00504 (approx.), 192°/5.8 NM to THR 19 Google Maps
CMT, 437 kHz, 400 W

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Cherbourg: Flugplatz Querqueville (Aérodrome de Querqueville)

Cherbourg/Querqueville: NDB (FNF)
N4940 W00139 (approx.) Google Maps
CHERBOURG, 298.8 kHz
Operated in fog H+01 and every 3 minutes.
Cherbourg/Querqueville: NDB (FNF)
N4939 W00143 (approx.) Google Maps
FOC, 373 kHz, 300 W

Clermont Ferrand: Flughafen Aulnat

Clermont Ferrand/Aulnat: Locator
N4547 E00310 (approx.), 268°/3.2 NM to field Google Maps
CF, 261 kHz, 40 W

Coca: Marker
N4828 E00217 (approx.) Google Maps
C, 75 MHz

Cognac: Flugplatz Châteaubernard (Base aérienne 709, B.A. 709)

Cognac/Châteaubernard: NDB (FAF)
N4540 W00019 (approx.) Google Maps
FOG, 267.5 kHz, 400 W

Coulommiers-Voisins: Flugplatz (Aérodrome de Coulommiers - Voisins)

Coulommiers/Voisins: VOR
N4851 E00301 (approx.) Google Maps
PE, 113.8 MHz, 200 W

Creil: Flugplatz (Base aérienne 110, BA 110)

Creil: NDB
N4915 E00231 (approx.) Google Maps
CL, 423 kHz
Operated from 0730 to 1900 and on request 15 minutes before 1900.

Dieppe: NDB
N4956 E00111 (approx.) Google Maps
DP, 351 kHz, 40 W

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Dijon: Flugplatz Longvic (Base aérienne 102, B.A. 102, Aéroport de Dijon Bourgogne)

Dijon/Longvic: Marker (mil)
N4720 E00508 (approx.) Google Maps
75 MHz
Dijon/Longvic: Range (mil)
N4720 E00508 (approx.) Google Maps
FND, 381 kHz, 100 W
Dijon/Longvic: VOR (mil)
N4720 E00506 (approx.) Google Maps
FND, 113.5 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times. On test.

Dreux: Flugplatz (Dreux/Louvillers)

Dreux: NDB (USAF)
N4842 E00113 (approx.), 235°/5.35 NM to field Google Maps
DE, 250 kHz, 50 W

Eckmühl: NDB
N4748 W00422 (approx.) Google Maps
UH, 303.4 kHz
Operated H+00 and every 6 minutes.

Étain-Rouvres: Flugplatz

Étain: NDB (USAF)
N4914 E00541 (approx.) Google Maps
ER, 468 kHz, 100 W

Évreux-Fauville: Flugplatz (Base aérienne 105, B.A. 105)

Évreux/Fauville: NDB (USAF)
N4906 E00120 (approx.), 266°/5.6 NM to field Google Maps
KC, 486 kHz, 100 W

Grostenquin: Flugplatz

Grostenquin: NDB (RCAF)
N4902 E00643 (approx.) Google Maps
GT, 302 kHz, 100 W

Héricourt: NDB
N4735 E00646 (approx.) Google Maps
HR, 289 kHz, 40 W

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Île de Batz: NDB
N4845 W00402 (approx.) Google Maps
BA, 289.6 kHz
Operated H+00 and every 2 minutes.

Île de Ouessant: NDB
N4828 W00508 (approx.) Google Maps
CA, 308 kHz
Operated H+05 and every 6 minutes.

Île de Sein: NDB
N4803 W00452 (approx.) Google Maps
SH, 303.4 kHz
Operated H+02 and every 6 minutes.

Île d'Yeu: NDB
N4643 W00223 (approx.) Google Maps
YE, 303.4 kHz
Operated H+03 and every 6 minutes.

Istres: Flugplatz Le Tube (Base aérienne 125 Istres-Le Tubé (B.A. 125))

Istres: Eureka (FAF)
N4331 E00457 (approx.) Google Maps
BY, 228R/223T MHz
Istres: Marker
N4329 E00456 (approx.) Google Maps
75 MHz
Istres: Range
N4329 E00456 (approx.), 001°/2.2 NM to field Google Maps
FNI, 278 kHz
The four courses to the Range were 001°, 091°, 181° and 271°.

Joigny: Marker
N4758 E00323 (approx.) Google Maps
F, 75 MHz, 100 W
On south leg of Bray Range. Operated continously.

La Chiappa: NDB
N4136 E00922 (approx.) Google Maps
CP, 308 kHz
Operated in clear weather H+14 and H+44; in fog H+02 and every 6 minutes.

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La Garoupe: NDB
N4334 E00708 (approx.) Google Maps
GO, 287.3 kHz
Operated H+04 and every 6 minutes.

Lanvéoc-Poulmic: Flugplatz (Base aéronautique navale de Lanvéoc-Poulmic)

Lanvéoc/Poulmic: NDB (FNF)
N4817 W00427 (approx.) Google Maps
FUE, 222 kHz, 500 W
Operated on 30 minutes request.

Laon: Flugplatz Couvron

Data for 1955:
Laon: NDB (USAF)
N493747 E0033227 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
CV, 344 kHz
At field.
Data for 1956:
Laon: NDB (USAF)
N4942 E00335 (approx.) Google Maps
CV, 344 kHz, 50 W
In the approach sector for runway 21.

Les Baleines: NDB
N4615 W00134 (approx.) Google Maps
BN, 303.4 kHz
Operated H+01 and every 6 minutes.

Lorient: Flugplatz Lann-Bihoué (Base aéronautique navale de Lann-Bihoué, Aéroport de Lorient-Bretagne-Sud)

Lorient: NDB (FNF)
N4747 W00327 (approx.) Google Maps
FUN, 387 kHz, 500 W
Operated in IFR and on request.

Lyon: Flughafen Bron (Aéroport de Lyon-Bron)

Lyon/Bron: NDB
N4521 E00453 (approx.) Google Maps
LS, 404 kHz, 40 W
Lyon/Bron: NDB
N4543 E00459 (approx.) Google Maps
FNL, 404 kHz
Lyon/Bron: Range
N4541 E00457 (approx.) Google Maps
LY, 374 kHz
Used until the early 1950s. The four predefined courses to the Range were 011°, 101°, 191° and 281°.
Runway 17:
Lyon/Bron: Locator
N4537 E00500 (approx.), 169°/5.67 NM to field Google Maps
BR, 388 kHz, 40 W
On test.
(The coordinates do not correspond to the direction & distance to the field.)
Runway 35:
Lyon/Bron: ILS 35
LY, 110.3 MHz
Operated continuously in IFR and on 20 minutes request.
Lyon/Bron: OM 35
349°/4.0 NM to THR 35
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Lyon/Bron: MM 35
349°/0.49 NM to THR 35
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Lyon/Bron: IM 35
349°/0.04 NM to THR 35
Dots, 75 MHz

Lyon/Tramoyes: NDB
N4553 E00457 (approx.) Google Maps
FOL, 602 kHz
Operates outside transmission hours of Lyon/Tramoyes Broadcast station, on test.

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Marseille: Flughafen Marignane (Aéroport Marseille Provence)

Marseille/Marignane: NDB
N4328 E00519 (approx.) Google Maps
FOM, 710 kHz, 650 W
Operated weekdays from 0800 to 1100 and from 2300 to 0545, Sundays from 2300 to 0630. Marseille/Realtor broadcast station operates outside these times.
Runway 14:
Marseille/Marignane: Range
N4329 E00508 (approx.), 140°/4.2 NM to THR 14 Google Maps
FNM, 383 kHz, 100 W
Runway 32:
Marseille/Marignane: ILS 32
ML, 110.3 MHz
Operated continuously in IFR and on 15 minutes request to ATC.
Marseille/Marignane: OM 32
320°/4.2 NM to THR 32
Dashes, 75 MHz
Operated continuously. Also used as Z Marker for the Marseille Range.
Marseille/Marignane: IM 32
320°/0.05 NM to THR 32
Dots, 75 MHz

Metz-Frescaty: Flugplatz

Metz/Frescaty: NDB
N4905 E00609 (approx.) Google Maps
MZ, 521 kHz, 40 W
Operated during aerodrome times.

Mont Leuza: NDB
N4343 E00719 (approx.) Google Maps
FOK, 259 kHz, 300 W

Mont Saint-Clair: NDB
N4323 E00341 (approx.) Google Maps
SE, 305.7 kHz
Operated in fog H+00 and every 4 minutes.

Mont-de-Marsan: Flugplatz

Mont-de-Marsan: VOR
N4355 W00018 (approx.) Google Maps
MR, 108.6 MHz, 50 W
Operated from 0800 to sunset plus 45 minutes.

Montélimar: Flughafen Ancône (Aérodrome de Montélimar-Ancône)

Montélimar/Ancône: NDB
N4434 E00445 (approx.) Google Maps
FOQ, 362.5 kHz, 250 W
Montélimar/Ancône: VOR
N4433 E00447 (approx.) Google Maps
FOQ, 112.7 MHz, 200 W

Marville: RCAF Station (RCAF Station Marville, Aérodrome de Montmédy-Marville)

Montmédy/Marville: NDB (RCAF)
N4928 E00525 (approx.) Google Maps
MY, 459 kHz, 80 W

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Moulins: Marker
N4642 E00338 (approx.) Google Maps
75 MHz
Der Marker befand sich wahrscheinlich an der Position des Ranges, siehe nachfolgender Eintrag.
Moulins: Range
N464224 E0033754 (WGS84, approx.) Google Maps
FNC, 324 kHz
Die vier vordefinierten Leitstrahlen der Range sind 065°, 163°, 245° and 343°.
Das Range-Funkfeuer befand sich vermutlich 3 km südöstlich von Gannay-sur-Loire, westlich der Straße D15. Bei den angegebenen Koordinaten ist auf Satellitenbildern noch vier runde Fundamente der Range-Masten erkennbar.
Moulins: VOR
N4641 E00333 (approx.) Google Maps
FNC, 113.1 MHz, 200 W
Operated continuously. On test.

Nevers/Prémery: Marker
N4708 E00322 (approx.) Google Maps
D, 75 MHz

Nice: Flughafen (Aéroport Nice Côte d’Azur, Aérodrome de Nice - Californie, Le Var)

Nice/Côte d’Azur: Locator
N4335 E00708 (approx.) Google Maps
NI, 338 kHz

Orgeval: VOR
N4855 E00155 (approx.) Google Maps
PO, 114.7 MHz, 200 W

Orléans: Flugplatz Bricy (Base aérienne 123, B.A. 123)

Orléans/Bricy: NDB
N4759 E00147 (approx.), 350°/0.6 NM to field Google Maps
KK, 385 kHz

Paris: Locator
N4912 E00207 (approx.) Google Maps
PD, 408.5 kHz, 40 W
Paris: NDB
N4850 E00301 (approx.) Google Maps
PE, 413 kHz, 40 W
Paris: NDB
N4855 E00155 (approx.) Google Maps
PO, 370 kHz, 40 W
Paris: NDB
N4836 E00129 (approx.) Google Maps
PW, 396 kHz, 40 W

Paris North: NDB
N4933 E00228 (approx.) Google Maps
PN, 377 kHz

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Paris: Flughafen Le Bourget (Aéroport de Paris-Le Bourget)

Paris/Le Bourget: Villeron Locator
N4904 E00232 (approx.) Google Maps
BN, 265 kHz, 40 W
Runway 21:
Paris/Le Bourget: ILS 21
LBS, 109.1 MHz
Operated continuously in IFR.
Paris/Le Bourget: OM 21
210°/3.86 NM to THR 21
Dashes, 75 MHz
Paris/Le Bourget: MM 21
210°/0.57 NM to THR 21
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Paris/Le Bourget: IM 21
210°/0.05 NM to THR 21
Dots, 75 MHz
Runway 27:
Paris/Le Bourget: Mitry-Mory Locator
N4900 E00237 (approx.), 265°/6.4 NM to THR 27 Google Maps
BE, 356 kHz, 40 W
Paris/Le Bourget: ILS 27
LBW, 109.9 MHz
Operated continuously in IFR.
Paris/Le Bourget: OM 27
265°/3.8 NM to THR 27
Dashes, 75 MHz
Paris/Le Bourget: MM 27
265°/0.52 NM to THR 27
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Paris/Le Bourget: IM 27
265°/0.05 NM to THR 27
Dots, 75 MHz

Paris: Flughafen Orly

Paris/Orly: Genevieve Locator
N4839 E00221 (approx.) Google Maps
OS, 328 kHz, 40 W
Paris/Orly: Marker
N4841 E00207 (approx.) Google Maps
75 MHz
Paris/Orly: NDB
N4843 E00218 (approx.) Google Maps
OL, 277 kHz
Operates when Orly Range is out of service.
Paris/Orly: Range
N4841 E00207 (approx.), 091°/3.3 NM to field Google Maps
FNO, 364.5 kHz, 100 W
The four predefined courses to the Range were 083°, 161°, 263° and 341°.
Runway 03:
Paris/Orly: ILS 03
OLN, 110.3 MHz
Paris/Orly: OM 03
026°/4.05 NM to THR 03
Dashes, 75 MHz
Paris/Orly: MM 03
026°/0.55 NM to THR 03
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Runway 26L:
Paris/Orly: ILS 26
OLW, 109.5 MHz
Paris/Orly: St. Leger LOM 26L
N4845 E00232 (approx.), 262°/4.0 NM to THR 26 Google Maps
Locator: OE, 348 kHz
Outer Marker: Dashes, 75 MHz
Previous frequency 328 kHz.
Paris/Orly: MM 26
262°/0.54 NM to THR 26
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz

Pen-Men: NDB
N4739 W00330 (approx.) Google Maps
GX, 303.4 kHz
Île de Groix. Operated H+04 and every 6 minutes.

Peyssac/Eynesse: NDB (Locator)
N4449 E00009 (approx.) Google Maps
GE, 401 kHz

Pissos: NDB
N4416 W00049 (approx.) Google Maps
GS, 341 kHz

Pointe de Saint-Mathieu: NDB
N4820 W00446 (approx.) Google Maps
SM, 294.2 kHz
Operated in fog H+01 and every 2 minutes.

Poitiers: Flughafen Biard

Poitiers/Biard: NDB
N4637 E00019 (approx.) Google Maps
PI, 378 kHz, 40 W

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Pontoise: Flugplatz Cormeilles

Runway 05:
Pontoise/Cormeilles: ILS
CVN, 110.1 MHz
Operated on request.
Pontoise/Cormeilles: OM 05
052°/3.89 NM to THR 05
Dashes, 75 MHz
Pontoise/Cormeilles: MM 05
052°/0.68 NM to THR 05
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz

Porquerolles: NDB
N4259 E00612 (approx.) Google Maps
PQ, 287.3 kHz
Operated H+02 and every 6 minutes.

Quimper/Plonéis: Consol
N4801 W00413 (approx.) Google Maps
TRQ, 257 kHz
Operated continuously except from 0730 to 0745. 40 seconds keying cycle. Ignore count when test is being transmitted. Position lines obtained from this beacon within an arc from 245° (T) clockwise to 275° (T) will be up to 3° in error.

Reims: Flugplatz (Base aérienne 112 Reims-Champagne, B.A. 112)

Reims/Champagne: NDB
N4919 E00402 (approx.) Google Maps
RC, 310 kHz
Operated during aerodrome times and on 30 minutes request for aircraft landing at Reims.

Romorantin: Flugplatz Pruniers

Romorantin: NDB (FAF)
N4719 E00141 (approx.) Google Maps
RT, 265 kHz, 60 W
Operated Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1645. As required by Avord.

Saint-Dizier: Flugplatz Robinson

Saint-Dizier: NDB (FAF)
N4838 E00455 (approx.) Google Maps
SD, 294 kHz, 500 W
For use of locally based aircraft.

Saint-Nazaire: NDB
N4715 W00215 (approx.) Google Maps
NZ, 289.6 kHz
Operated in fog H+00 and every 2 minutes.

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Saint-Quentin: Flugplatz

Saint-Quentin: NDB
N4950 E00316 (approx.) Google Maps
QN, 339 kHz, 100 W

Saint-Saulge: NDB
N4706 E00332 (approx.) Google Maps
SS, 417 kHz, 40 W

Salon-de-Provence: Flugplatz (Base aérienne 701, B.A. 701)

Salon-de-Provence: NDB
N4337 E00507 (approx.) Google Maps
SO, 267 kHz, 75 W
Operated during aerodrome times, may be interrupted without prior notice.

Strasbourg: Flughafen Entzheim

Strasbourg/Entzheim: NDB
N4832 E00736 (approx.) Google Maps
FOS, 389 kHz, 500 W

Tarbes: Flughafen (Aéroport International Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées)

Tarbes/Ossun Lourdes: NDB
N4311 E00000 (approx.) Google Maps
TL, 321 kHz, 40 W
Operated from 0700 to 1800.

Toul-Rosières: Flugplatz (Base aérienne 136, B.A. 136)

Toul/Rosières: NDB (USAF)
N4846 E00558 (approx.) Google Maps
DT, 477 kHz, 50 W

Toulouse: Flughafen Blagnac

Toulouse/Blagnac: Locator
N4337 E00122 (approx.), 151°/0.71 NM to field Google Maps
TB, 378 kHz, 40 W
Toulouse/Blagnac: NDB
N4335 E00121 (approx.), 020°/2.5 NM to field Google Maps
FOU, 356 kHz, 100 W
Runway 33:
Toulouse/Blagnac: ILS 33
TO, 109.9 MHz
Operated continuously in IFR, other times on 30 minutes request.
Toulouse/Blagnac: OM 33
331°/3.76 NM to THR 33
Dashes, 75 MHz
Toulouse/Blagnac: MM 33
331°/0.66 NM to THR 33
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Toulouse/Blagnac: IM 33
331°/0.05 NM to THR 33
Dots, 75 MHz

Nur zur geschichtlichen Information, nicht zur Navigation oder zum Fliegen verwenden!

Toulouse: Flughafen Francazal

Toulouse/Francazal: NDB (mil)
N4336 E00114 (approx.) Google Maps
TF, 405 kHz
Operated during aerodrome times.

Troyes: Flughafen Barberey

Troyes/Barberey: NDB
N4818 E00358 (approx.) Google Maps
TR, 320.5 kHz, 40 W

Ver-sur-Mer: NDB
N4920 W00031 (approx.) Google Maps
ER, 298.8 kHz
Operated in fog H+00 and every 3 minutes.

Vichy: Flughafen Charmeil

Vichy/Charmeil: Locator
N4608 E00325 (approx.) Google Maps
VZ, 408.5 kHz

Villacoublay: Flugplatz Vélizy

Villacoublay/Vélizy: NDB (FAF)
N4846 E00213 (approx.) Google Maps
VY, 315 kHz, 90 W
Operated from sunrise to sunset plus 45 minutes and on 15 minutes prior notice to ATC. On test.

Nur zur geschichtlichen Information, nicht zur Navigation oder zum Fliegen verwenden!


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