Funkfeuer in Großbritannien in den 1950er Jahren

Funkfeuer in Großbritannien in den 1950er Jahren

NDB, Range, Eureka/Rebecca, SBA, BABS, ILS

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Die folgende Liste enthält die Luftfahrt-Funkfeuer, die in Großbritannien Mitte der 1950er Jahren aktiv waren. Alle Informationen sind veraltet und dürfen nicht für navigatorische Zwecke verwendet werden.

Einmalig war die große Vielfalt an Funkfeuer-Typen, die zu dieser Zeit in Großbritannien genutzt wurde:

  • Consol: In Großbritannien befand sich eine Consol-Stationen, ein Nachfolger des deutschen Navigationssystemes "Sonne".
  • Eureka/Rebecca: Zahlreich vertretenes Navigationssystem der Royal Air Force (RAF). Auf einigen Flugplätzen gab es ein zusätzliches Eureka-System, das mit der Modifikation Mark 7 arbeitete.
  • Fan Marker: Um den Überflug besonderer Punkte zu signalisieren, wurden Fan Marker genutzt. Sie befanden sich insbesondere auf den vier Leitstrahlen der Ranges.
  • NDB: Ungerichtete Funkfeuer als Streckenfunkfeuer und für den Anflug
  • Racon: Diese Funkfeuer waren vorwiegend auf Flugplätzen der US Air Force (USAF) zu finden.
  • Range: Sie geben 4 feste Kurse vor. Teilweise waren sie mit Z-Markern kombiniert, um den Überflug zu signalisieren.
  • Responder Beacon: Dieser Typ befand sich auf einzelnen Flughäfen, vermutlich eine zivile Variante von Eureka.
  • VOR: Auf Flugplätzen der US Air Force kamen die ersten UKW-Drehfunkfeuer zum Einsatz.
  • VR Beacon - Voice Rotating Beacon: Diese Funkfeuer gab es vereinzelt bei der Royal Air Force. Die Funktionsweise ist unbekannt, offenbar arbeiteten sie im selben Frequenzbereich wie VORs, jedoch mit sehr krummen Frequenzen.
  • YG Beacon: Sie waren vorwiegend auf Flugplätzen der Royal Navy vorhanden (offenbar meist auf einem Gebäude), jedoch gab es sie auch auf einzelnen Flugplätzen der Royal Air Force.

Auch bei den Anflugsystemen waren gleich drei Typen vertreten. Teilweise waren für eine Landebahn zwei Systeme gleichzeitig aktiv:

  • BABS - Blind Approach Beacon System: Weit verbreitetes Anflugsystem auf Flugplätzen der Royal Air Force.
  • ILS - Instrumentenlandesystem: Dieses weltweit standardisierte Verfahren hielt auf englischen Flughäfen vermehrt Einzug. Das System umfasst Markierungsfunkfeuer (OM, MM und IM), die auf 75 MHz arbeiten.
  • SBA - Standard Beam Approach: Ehemaliges deutsches Lorenz-System, auf Zivilflughäfen und auf Flugplätzen der Royal Air Force genutzt. Wie beim ILS gibt es Einflugzeichen (OM, MM und IM), die jedoch näher am Platz standen und auf einer anderen Frequenz (38 MHz) arbeiteten.

Titelbild: Vickers Viscount 701 G-AMOP der British European Airways BEA, Quelle: ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv/Stiftung Luftbild Schweiz / Fotograf: Swissair / LBS_SR03-06413, Lizenz CC BY-SA 4.0

Funkfeuer und Luftstraßen

1 (Quelle: DoD)
2 (Quelle: DoD)
3 (Quelle: DoD)
4 (Quelle: DoD)
5 (Quelle: DoD)
6 (Quelle: DoD)
7 (Quelle: DoD)
8 (Quelle: DoD)
9 (Quelle: DoD)
10 (Quelle: DoD)
11 (Quelle: DoD)

Verwandt: Historische Anflugkarten Großbritannien

Ca. 150 Karten aus den 1950er und 1960er Jahren
Approach chart RAF Sculthorpe



civcivilziviler Betreiber
GPGlide pathGleitwegsender
ILSInstrument Landing SystemInstrumentenlandesystem
IMInner MarkerPlatzeinflugzeichen.
(Markierungsfunkfeuer direkt vor der Landebahn)
kHzKilohertz(Einheit für die Frequenz)
LLocatorUngerichtetes Funkfeuer für den Anflug
LMMLocator Middle MarkerKombination aus Locator und Middle Marker
LOMLocator Outer MarkerKombination aus Locator und Outer Marker
mMeter(Einheit für die Länge)
MHzMegahertz(Einheit für die Frequenz)
milmilitarymilitärischer Betreiber
MMMiddle MarkerHaupteinflugzeichen (Markierungsfunkfeuer)
NDBNon-directional beaconUngerichtetes Funkfeuer auf Lang- oder Mittelwelle
NMNautical MilesSeemeilen
OMOuter MarkerVoreinflugzeichen (Markierungsfunkfeuer)
PRMGПРМГ Посадочная радиомаячная группаSowjetisch / russisches militärisches Instrumentenlandesystem
RSBNРСБН Rадиотехническая система ближней навигацииSowjetisch / russisches militärisches Funknavigationssystem
SBAStandard Beam ApproachAnflughilfe, Lorenz-System, Vorgänger des ILS
THRThresholdLandebahnschwelle (meist mit Nummer der Landebahn)
transf.transformiertKoordinaten wurden aus einem anderen Referenzsystem umgerechnet, daher sind Abweichungen möglich.
VARVisual-Aural RnangeRange im UKW-Bereich mit optischen und akustischen Signalen
VORVHF Omnidirectional Radio RangeUKW-Drehfunkfeuer
WWatt(Einheit für die Leistung)
WGS84World Geodetic System 1984(Geodätisches Referenzsystem, GPS-Koordinaten)


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Glasgow: Flughafen (Abbotsinch, HMS Sanderling)

Abbotsinch: YG Beacon (Royal Navy)
N555157 W0042621 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
AC, Channel 4, 25 W

Aberdeen: Flughafen Dyce

Aberdeen/Dyce: Locator
N5716 W00215 (approx.), 349°/3.82 NM to field Google Maps
OD, 380 kHz
Operated on request.
Runway 19:
Aberdeen/Dyce: SBA 19
GJV, 33.3
To runway 19 (191°). Operated during aerodrome times.
Aberdeen/Dyce: OM 19
191°/1.65 NM to THR 19
Dashes, 38 MHz
Aberdeen/Dyce: IM 19
191°/0.07 NM to THR 19
Dots, 38 MHz


Abingdon: BABS
To runways 18, 26 and 36. Operated during aerodrome times.
Abingdon: Eureka
N5141 W00119 (approx.) Google Maps
AB, 228R/218T MHz, 15 W

Acklington: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Acklington)

Acklington: Eureka (RAF)
N551834 W0013754 (WGS84, transf.), 201°/0.7 NM to field Google Maps
AL, 228R/223T MHz, 15 W
Northeast of the airfield.
Acklington: Eureka (RAF)
N551833 W0013756 (WGS84, transf.), 239°/0.69 NM to field Google Maps
GA, 200R/220T MHz, 1500 W
Northeast of the airfield. Operated from dawn to dusk.
Acklington: VR Beacon (RAF)
N5518 W00138 (approx.) Google Maps
G, 113.4
Operated from dawn to dusk.
Acklington: YG Beacon (RAF)
N551738 W0013805 (WGS84, transf.), 334°/0.5 NM to field Google Maps
AL, Channel 5, 25 W
In the south of the airfield.

Belfast: Flughafen Aldergrove (Belfast International Airport, RAF Aldergrove)

Aldergrove: BABS
233R, 218T
To runways 08 and 17.
Aldergrove: Eureka (RAF)
N543903 W0061237 (WGS84, transf.), 303°/0.5 NM to field Google Maps
AG, 228R/223T MHz, 15 W
In the east of the field.

Alderney: NDB (civ)
N4942 W00213 (approx.) Google Maps
MZA, 383 kHz

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Anthorn: RNAS

Anthorn: YG Beacon (Royal Navy)
N545435 W0031611 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
AH, Channel 2
Cumbria, England. In the east of the field. Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to sunset, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.


Arbroath: YG Beacon (Royal Navy)
N5635 W00237 (approx.) Google Maps
AO, Channel 3, 25 W
Operated at aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1800 or sunset, whichever is earlier, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.

Ashford: Fan Marker
N5105 E00047 (approx.) Google Maps
2 Dashes, 75 MHz


Ballykelly: Eureka (RAF)
N5512 W00658 (approx.) Google Maps
MP, 228R/223T MHz, 12 W
Located near Magilligan Point, approx. 16 km north-northeast of the field. Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0830 to 1700, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.
Ballykelly: Eureka (RAF)
N550332 W0070117 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
BL, 228R/223T MHz, 12 W
West of the center of the field. Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0830 to 1700, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.
Ballykelly: Eureka (RAF)
N550317 W0070118 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
JA, 220R/215T MHz
In the southwest of the field. Operated from 30 minutes before dawn to 30 minutes after dusk, except 3rd day of each month. For use with Rebecca Mark 7 only.
Ballykelly: VR Beacon (RAF)
N550333 W0070010 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
J, 114.66
In the east of the field. Operated from 30 minutes before dawn to 30 minutes after dusk, except 3rd day of each month.

Bar Light Vessel: NDB
N5332 W00319 (approx.) Google Maps
BR, 305.7 kHz
Operated H+00 and every 2 minutes during fog.

Barra Head Lighthouse: NDB
N5647 W00739 (approx.) Google Maps
BD, 291.9 kHz
(Outer Hebrides). Operated H+01 and every 6 minutes.

Bassingbourn: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Bassingbourn)

Bassingbourn: BABS
To runways 07, 13, 17, 25, 31 and 35. Operated during aerodrome times and on request.
Bassingbourn: Eureka
N520538 W0000250 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
BS, 233R/218T MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0830 to 1700, Saturday from 0830 to 1200 and when night flying is in progress.
RAF Bassingbourn 1951
Der Flugplatz 1951 - Der Flugplatz wurde von der Royal Air Force betrieben. Die US Air Force betrieb zu diesem Zeitpunkt ein GCA-Anflugverfahren (Ground Controlled Approach) (Quelle: DoD)
Anflugkarte Flugplatz RAF Bassingbourn, Großbritannien 1951
Anflugkarte Bassingbourn
Flugplätze in der Umgebung: Bourn, Caxton Gibbet, Duxford, Grandsden Lodge, Graveley, Henlow, Little Staughton, Nuthampstead, Oakington, Steeple Morden, Tempsford, Teversham.
(Quelle: DoD)

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Beacon Hill: Fan Marker
N5146 W00047 (approx.) Google Maps
4 Dashes, 75 MHz

Nutts Corner: Royal Air Force station (Belfast-Nutts Corner Airport)

Belfast/Nutts Corner: NDB
N543825 W0060924 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
MWC, 343 kHz
Later frequency 345 kHz.
Runway 10:
Belfast/Nutts Corner: Locator
N5438 W00618 (approx.), 097°/3.86 NM to field Google Maps
ON, 322 kHz
Belfast/Nutts Corner: SBA 10
MWC, 36.8 MHz
Closed Tuesdays from 1400 to 1700. Use with caution. Inconsistent bulge between Outer Marker and Inner Marker.
Belfast/Nutts Corner: OM 10
097°/1.86 NM to THR 10
Dashes, 38 MHz
Belfast/Nutts Corner: IM 10
097°/0.07 NM to THR 10
Dots, 38 MHz
Runway 28:
Belfast/Nutts Corner: OM 28
277°/4.64 NM to THR 28
K, 38 MHz

Benson: Royal Air Force Station

Benson: BABS
To runway 25. Operated during aerodrome times and on request.
Benson: Eureka
N513627 W0010440 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
BO, 213R/223T MHz, 13 W
Operated by arrangement.
Benson: NDB
N513627 W0010440 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
BO, 339 kHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0830 to 1700.

Bentwaters: Royal Air Force Station

Bentwaters: NDB (USAF)
N520755 E0012623 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
BT, 343 kHz, 25 W

Binbrook: Royal Air Force Station

Binbrook: BABS
To runways 04, 22, 27 and 33. Operated during aerodrome times.
Binbrook: Eureka
N532640 W0001136 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
BK, 233R/223T MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.
Flugplatz RAF Binbrook 1951
RAF Binbrook 1951 (Quelle: DoD)

Birmingham: Flughafen (Elmdon)

Runway 16:
Birmingham: NDB
N5231 W00149 (approx.), 155°/5.0 NM to field Google Maps
GX, 347 kHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0545 to 2130, Saturday from 0545 to 2245, Sunday from 0600 to 2030.
Runway 34:
Birmingham: NDB
N5224 W00141 (approx.), 335°/4.0 NM to THR 34 Google Maps
BG, 334 kHz
Operated during aerodrome times from 0800 to 2130. Later ident "GM".
Birmingham: ILS 34
GEX, 110.1 MHz
Operated from 0800 to 2130.
Birmingham: OM 34 (ILS)
335°/4 NM to THR 34
Dashes, 75 MHz
Closed Tuesdays from 1300 to 1700.
Birmingham: MM 34 (ILS)
335°/0.6 NM to THR 34
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Birmingham: SBA 34
GEX, 33.3 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Sundays from 0900 to 1300. Interference on Back Beam at approx. 10 NM. Use in emergency only. SBA was in use until about 1956.
Birmingham: OM 34 (SBA)
335°/2.08 NM to THR 34
Dashes, 38 MHz
Birmingham: IM 34 (SBA)
335°/0.07 NM to THR 34
Dots, 38 MHz

Bishops Court

Bishops Court: BABS
To runway 24. Operated during aerodrome times.
Bishops Court: Eureka (RAF)
N5418 W00534 (approx.) Google Maps
BC, 233R/223T MHz
Operated Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 0800 to 1600, Wednesday and Saturday from 0800 to 1200 and when night flying is in progress.

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Blackbushe: Flugplatz (RAF Blackbushe, Camberley)

Runway 08:
Blackbushe: ILS 08
MVY, 109.7 MHz
Maintenance period Wednesdays from 0900 to 1300. Continuous operation when runway is in use as notified by ATC.
Blackbushe: OM 08
082°/4.60 NM to THR 08
Dashes, 75 MHz
Blackbushe: LMM 08
N511902 W0005253 (WGS84, transf.), 082°/0.93 NM to THR 08 Google Maps
Locator: MB, 379.5 kHz
Middle Marker: Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Runway 26:
Blackbushe: SBA 26
MVY, 38.6 MHz
Operated continuously, closed Thursdays from 0900 to 1300.
Blackbushe: OM 26
262°/1.54 NM to THR 26
Dashes, 38 MHz
Blackbushe: IM 26
262°/0.06 NM to THR 26
Dots, 38 MHz
Flughafen Blackbushe, Großbritannien 1950
Flughafen Blackbushe 1950 - Zu diesem Zeitpunkt verfügte der Flughafen über ein ungerichtetes Funkfeuer (NDB), das hier in der Nähe des Kontrollturms markiert ist, außerdem über ein Eureka-Funkfeuer sowie über einen Standard Beam Approach (SBA). Die Landebahnen haben V-förmige Trichter-Anflugbefeuerungen. (Quelle: DoD)
Flughafen Blackbushe, Großbritannien 1954
Flughafen Blackbushe 1954 - Im Vergleich zu 1950 befindet sich das ungerichtete Funkfeuer nun im Anflug auf die Landebahn 08. Der Platz verfügt über ILS, SBA und ein Präzisionsanflugradar. Die Anflugbefeuerungen 08 und 26 wurden verändert. (Quelle: DoD)

Blakehill Farm: Royal Air Force Station

Runway 24:
Blakehill Farm: SBA 24
N513651 W0015411 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
BF, 36.4 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times.
Blakehill Farm: OM 24
246°/1.55 NM to THR 24
Dashes, 38 MHz
Blakehill Farm: IM 24
N513733 W0015233 (WGS84, transf.), 246°/0.07 NM to THR 24 Google Maps
Dots, 38 MHz

Bournemouth: Flughafen (Hurn)

Bournemouth: Responder Beacon
N504646 W0015009 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
MVH, 228R/233T
Runway 26:
Bournemouth: Range
N5048 W00144 (approx.), 263°/4.0 NM to THR 26 Google Maps
MVH, 394 kHz
The four predefined courses to the Range were 015°, 083°, 198° and 263°.
Bournemouth: ILS 26
MVH, 109.09 MHz
Operated on request, closed Mondays from 0900 to 1300.
Bournemouth: OM 26 (ILS)
263°/3.7 NM to THR 26
Dashes, 75 MHz
Bournemouth: MM 26 (ILS)
263°/0.76 NM to THR 26
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Bournemouth: SBA 26
N504639 W0015130 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
MVH, 36.6 MHz
Operated on request. Closed Tuesdays from 0900 to 1300.
Bournemouth: OM 26 (SBA)
263°/1.63 NM to THR 26
Dashes, 38 MHz
Bournemouth: IM 26 (SBA)
N504659 W0014929 (WGS84, transf.), 263°/0.07 NM to THR 26 Google Maps
Dots, 38 MHz
Flughafen Bournemouth Hurn, Großbritannien 1953
Der Flugplatz 1953 (Quelle: DoD)

Bovingdon: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Bovingdon)

Runway 22:
Bovingdon: NDB
N5145 W00031 (approx.), 224°/2.1 NM to field Google Maps
MZZ, 214 kHz
Bovingdon: SBA 22
MZZ, 33.8 MHz
Closed Sundays from 1300 to 1700.
Bovingdon: OM 22
222°/1.6 NM to THR 22
Dashes, 38 MHz
Bovingdon: IM 22
222°/0.07 NM to THR 22
Dots, 38 MHz

Bramcote: Flugplatz (RAF Bramcote, RNAS Bramcote, HMS Gamecock)

Bramcote: YG Beacon (Royal Navy)
N522931 W0012400 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
BR, Channel 4, 25 W
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0900 to 1600 or sunset, whichever is earlier.

Brawdy: Royal Air Force Station

Brawdy: YG Beacon
N5153 W00506 (approx.) Google Maps
BY, Channel 5, 25 W
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to sunset, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.

Breaksea Light Vessel: NDB
N5120 W00318 (approx.) Google Maps
BK, 305.7 kHz
Operated H+01 and every 2 minutes.

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Bristol: Range/Z Marker
N5133 W00239 (approx.) Google Maps
Range: MWA, 279 kHz
Z Marker: 75 MHz
The four predefined courses to the Range were 005°, 118°, 193° and 284°.


Bristol/Filton: NDB
N5131 W00228 (approx.), 281°/3.9 NM to field Google Maps
OF, 325 kHz
Operated during aerodrome times from 0900 to 1700.

Bristol: Flugplatz Whitchurch

Runway 10:
Bristol/Whitchurch: SBA 10
GJB, 34.8 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except Sundays from 1100 to 1500.
Bristol/Whitchurch: OM 10
102°/1.63 NM to THR 10
Dashes, 38 MHz
Bristol/Whitchurch: IM 10
102°/0.07 NM to THR 10
Dots, 38 MHz

Brize Norton: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Brize Norton)

Brize Norton: NDB (USAF)
N514445 W0013416 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
BZ, 387 kHz, 45 W
For 1954, the position of the NDB was given as N514523 W0013530, which is in the north of the air base.
Brize Norton: Racon (USAF)
N514523 W0013437 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
2-2-1, 9310 MHz
Operated continuously.
Flugplatz RAF Brize Norton 1954
RAF Brize Norton 1954 - Zu dieser Zeit wurde der Platz von der US Air Force betrieben. (Quelle: DoD)
Flugplatz Brize Norton, NDB-Anflug, 1954
NDB-Anflug 1954
Flugplätze in der Umgebung: Abingdon, Blakehill Farm, Broadwell, Down Ampney, Enstone, Fairford, Grove, Harcourt, Kidlington, Little Rissington, South Marston.
(Quelle: DoD)

Brookmans Park: NDB
N5145 W00006 (approx.) Google Maps
MVJ, 329 kHz

Burnham: NDB
N5133 W00038 (approx.) Google Maps
MZR, 362 kHz

Burtonwood: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Burtonwood)

Burtonwood: Racon (USAF)
N532453 W0023949 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
1-1-1, 9310 MHz
Operated continuously.
Warrington, Lancashire, England.
Burtonwood: Range (USAF)
N5325 W00235 (approx.), 271°/2.0 NM to field Google Maps
MWB, 383 kHz
Warrington, Lancashire, England. Holding point for all military aircraft.
Flugplatz RAF Burtonwood, 1954
RAF Burtonwood 1951 - Der Flugplatz wird von der US Air Force genutzt. Die Range steht östlich des Platzes. Von den vier Leitstrahlen führt keiner direkt zum Flugplatz. Im Osten weist zwar der Strahl 271° auf den Flugplatz, westlich der Range führt aber der Strahl 283° nördlich am Platz vorbei. (Quelle: DoD)

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Bush Mills: Consol
N5512 W00628 (approx.) Google Maps
MWN, 266 kHz
60 or 40 seconds keying cycle.

Butt of Lewis Lighthouse: NDB
N5831 W00616 (approx.) Google Maps
BL, 291.9 kHz
Operated H+05 and every 6 minutes.

Calshot: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Calshot)

Calshot F.B.A.A.: Eureka
N5049 W00118 (approx.) Google Maps
CO, 228R/223T MHz, 8 W
Operated on request.

Casquets Lighthouse: NDB
N4943 W00223 (approx.) Google Maps
QS, 291.9 kHz
Operated H+01 and every 6 minutes.
Casquets Lighthouse: NDB
N4943 W00223 (approx.) Google Maps
QS, 291.9 kHz
Operated H+01 and every 6 minutes.

Castle Archdale

Castle Archdale: Eureka (RAF)
N542837 W0074352 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
CA, 223T/228R MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0830 to 1700 and on request.
Castle Archdale: NDB (RAF)
N542818 W0074254 (WGS84, transf.), 279°/1.9 NM to field Google Maps
CA, 385 kHz, 300 W
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0830 to 1700 and on request.

Chatham: Range/Z Marker
N5119 E00031 (approx.) Google Maps
Range: MVM, 367.5 kHz
Z Marker: 75 MHz
The four predefined courses to the Range were 075°, 140°, 273° and 332°.

Chertsey: Fan Marker
N5142 W00032 (approx.) Google Maps
4 Dashes, 75 MHz

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Chivenor: Eureka
N5105 W00409 (approx.) Google Maps
IA, 220R/215T MHz
Operated from dawn till dusk, except 4th day of each month. To be used with Rebecca Mark 7 only.
Chivenor: VR Beacon
N5105 W00410 (approx.) Google Maps
I, 113.4
Operated from dawn till dusk, except 4th day of each month.

Cloch Point Lighthouse: NDB
N5557 W00453 (approx.) Google Maps
Firth of Clyde, Scottland. Automatic R/T. Operated in clear weather Fridays from 1000 to 1200, in fog every 50 seconds.

Comptom: Fan Marker
N5130 W00118 (approx.) Google Maps
2 Dots, 2 Dashes, 75 MHz

Congleton: NDB (civ)
N5309 W00213 (approx.) Google Maps
MWG, 361 kHz

Coningsby: Royal Air Force Station

Coningsby: BABS
To runways 08, 21, 26 and 30. Operated during aerodrome times.
Coningsby: Eureka
N5306 W00010 (approx.) Google Maps
CY, 213R/233T MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.

Cottesmore: Royal Air Force Station

Cottesmore: Eureka
N524335 W0003909 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
Runway 23:
Cottesmore: SBA 23
36.2, CM MHz
Operated during aerodrome times.
Cottesmore: OM 23
233°/1.74 NM to THR 23
Dashes, 38 MHz
Cottesmore: IM 23
233°/0.08 NM to THR 23
Dots, 38 MHz

Cranfield: Flugplatz

Cranfield: Responder
N5204 W00037 (approx.) Google Maps
MVP, 233R/223T
Operated on request.
Runway 22:
Cranfield: NDB
N5208 W00033 (approx.), 221°/3.7 NM to field Google Maps
MVP, 797 kHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0900 to 1730.
Cranfield: ILS 22
108.3 MHz
Operated on 30 minutes request, except for Tuesdays from 1400 to 1700.
Cranfield: OM 22 (ILS)
221°/3.65 NM to THR 22
Dashes, 75 MHz
Cranfield: MM 22 (ILS)
221°/0.76 NM to THR 22
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Cranfield: SBA 22
MVP, 36.6 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Mondays from 1400 to 1600.
Cranfield: OM 22 (SBA)
221°/1.76 NM to THR 22
Dashes, 38 MHz
Cranfield: IM 22 (SBA)
221°/0.12 NM to THR 22
Dots, 38 MHz

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Cranwell: Royal Air Force Station

Cranwell South: Eureka
N530154 W0003018 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
CW, 223R/228T MHz, 12 W
Operated by arrangement.
Runway 27:
Cranwell South: SBA 27
CW, 39.2 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Wednesdays from 1300 to 1700.
Cranwell South: OM 27
273°/2.37 NM to aerodrome boundary
Dashes, 38 MHz
Cranwell South: IM 27
273°/0.27 NM to aerodrome boundary
Dots, 38 MHz

Cregneish: NDB
N5404 W00446 (approx.) Google Maps
CM, 296.5 kHz, 100 W
Isle of Man. Operated H+05 and every 6 minutes.

Cromer Lighthouse: NDB
N5256 E00119 (approx.) Google Maps
CM, 287.3 kHz
Operated H+04 and every 6 minutes.

Crowborough: NDB
N5103 E00015 (approx.) Google Maps
MYC, 343 kHz

London: Flughafen Croydon

Runway 12:
Croyden: SBA 12
GED, 36.6 MHz
Operated on request. Backbeam 296°. Use with caution. (The SBA beacon was slightly displaced to the south of the runway, thus the approach course differed from the runway course by 4 degrees.)
Croyden: OM 12
122°/1.45 NM to THR 12
Dashes, 38 MHz
Croyden: IM 12
122°/0.11 NM to THR 12
Dots, 38 MHz


Culdrose: Racon (Royal Navy)
N5005 W00515 (approx.) Google Maps
4, 9310 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1800 or sunset, whichever is earlier; Saturday from 0800 to 1200.
Culdrose: YG Beacon (Royal Navy)
N5005 W00515 (approx.) Google Maps
CU, Channel 4, 25 W
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1800 or sunset, whichever is earlier; Saturday from 0800 to 1200.

Daventry: NDB
N5215 W00109 (approx.) Google Maps
MVD, 669.5 kHz

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Dean Cross: Fan Marker
N5435 W00328 (approx.) Google Maps
2 Dots, 4 Dashes, 75 MHz
On airway Amber One (A1).

Debden: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Debden)

Debden: BABS
To runway 28. Operated on request.
Debden: Eureka
N5159 E00016 (approx.) Google Maps
DB, 213R/223T MHz, 20 W
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1600, Saturday from 0900 to 1100.

Defford: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Defford)

Defford: BABS
To runway 21. Operated during aerodrome times.
Defford: Eureka (MOS)
N520517 W0020822 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
DF, 228R/223T MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Thursday from 0900 to 1730.


Dishforth: BABS
To runways 04, 10, 16, 28 and 34.
Dishforth: Eureka (RAF)
N540822 W0012435 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
DH, 228R/223T MHz
Dishforth: NDB (RAF)
N5407 W00123 (approx.), 293°/1.5 NM to field Google Maps
DH, 360 kHz, 30 W
Dishforth: Racon (RAF)
N5408 W00125 (approx.) Google Maps
1-2-2, 9310 MHz
Operated continuously.
Used until about 1953/54.
Dishforth: YG Beacon (RAF)
N540826 W0012439 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
DH, Channel 6
Operated Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1800 or sunset, whichever is earlier.

Donibristle: Flugplatz (RAF Donibristle, RNAS Donibristle)

Donibristle: YG Beacon (Royal Navy)
N560231 W0032107 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
DO, Channel 1, 25 W
Operated at aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to sunset, Saturday and Sunday closed.

Douglas: NDB
N5409 W00428 (approx.) Google Maps
DG, 289.6 kHz
Isle of Man. Operated in fog H+01 and every 2 minutes.

Dungeness Lighthouse: NDB
N5055 E00058 (approx.) Google Maps
DU, 310.3 kHz
Operated H+04 and every 6 minutes.

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Dunsfold: Flugplatz

Dunsfold: Range
N5108 W00023 (approx.) Google Maps
MYD, 357 kHz
The four predefined courses to the Range were 084°, 166°, 263° and 329°.

East Goodwin Light Vessel: NDB
N5113 E00136 (approx.) Google Maps
GW, 310.3 kHz
Operated H+05 and every 6 minutes.

Eglington: RNAS (Royal Naval Air Station Eglington, City of Derry Airport)

Eglington: Racon (Royal Navy)
N5503 W00709 (approx.) Google Maps
1, 9310 MHz
Operated on request and during airfield hours.
Eglington: YG Beacon (Royal Navy)
N550223 W0070925 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
GN, Channel 3, 25 W
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1800 or sunset, whichever is earlier, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.

Epsom: Range/Z Marker
N5121 W00017 (approx.) Google Maps
Range: MYE, 316 kHz
Z Marker: 75 MHz
The four predefined courses to the Range were 027°, 117°, 207° and 297°. Interference on north leg. Southeast leg unreliable beyond 15 NM from Range.
Epsom: Responder Beacon
N5121 W00017 (approx.) Google Maps
MYE, 228R/233T

Fairford: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Fairford)

Fairford: NDB (USAF)
N514156 W0014622 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
FF, 352 kHz, 45 W
Fairford: VOR (USAF)
N5141 W00147 (approx.), 102°/3.87 NM to field Google Maps
FF, 114.9 MHz
Operated from 1200 to 2000, other times on 2 hours notice.
RAF Fairford, Großbritannien, Flugplatz-Karte 1954
Der Flugplatz 1954 (Quelle: DoD)
Anflugkarte NDB, Flugplatz Fairford, Großbritannien 1954
NDB-Anflug 1954
Flugplätze in der Umgebung: Blakehill Farm, Brize Norton, Broadwell, Down Ampney, Kemble, Little Rissington, South Cerney, South Marston
(Quelle: DoD)

Falkirk: NDB
N5558 W00356 (approx.) Google Maps
MZF, 341 kHz

Feltwell: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Feltwell)

Runway 27:
Feltwell: SBA 27
FL, 34.2 MHz
Operated except for Wednesdays from 1200 to 1700, other days from 0800 to 0900. Back/Front ident coding.
Feltwell: OM 27
268°/1.59 NM to THR 27
Dashes, 38 MHz
Feltwell: IM 27
268°/0.08 NM to THR 27
Dots, 38 MHz

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Flamborough Head Lighthouse: NDB
N5407 W00005 (approx.) Google Maps
FB, 303.4 kHz
Operated H+04 and every 6 minutes.

Ford: Royal Naval Air Station (RNAS Ford)

Ford: Racon (Royal Navy)
N5049 W00035 (approx.) Google Maps
5, 9310 MHz
Operated on request during aerodrome times.
Used until about 1953/54.
Ford: YG Beacon
N5049 W00035 (approx.) Google Maps
FD, Channel 5
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1800 or sunset, whichever is earlier; Saturday from 0800 to 1200.

Greenham Common

Greenham Common: NDB (USAF)
N512300 W0011702 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
GC, 246 kHz, 15 W
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.
Karte Flugplatz Greenham Common 1954
Der Flugplatz Greenham Common auf einer Karte 1954 (Quelle: DoD)

Guernsey: Flughafen

Guernsey: NDB
N4927 W00238 (approx.), 121°/1.46 NM to field Google Maps
GVE, 361 kHz
Operated from 0530 to 2000.
Runway 30:
Guernsey: SBA 30
GVE, 36.8 MHz
To be used as radio track guide. Operated during aerodrome times, except for Mondays from 1400 to 1800. Line of shoot 116/296 degrees.
Guernsey: OM 30
296° to THR 30
Dashes, 38 MHz
Guernsey: ZM
296° to THR 30

Haslemere: Fan Marker
N5105 W00041 (approx.) Google Maps
3 Dashes, 75 MHz

Hemswell: Royal Air Force Station

Hemswell: BABS
To runways 06, 10, 17, 24, 28 and 35. Runway 17 for local training only.
Hemswell: Eureka
N532403 W0003422 (WGS84, transf.), 322°/0.6 NM to field Google Maps
HL, 228T/213T MHz, 12 W
Operated during aerodrome times, Tuesday to Friday from 0800 to 1700, Monday from 0830 to 1700, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.

Hendon: Flugplatz (RAF Hendon)

Hendon: Eureka
N513543 W0001430 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
HO, 228R/218T MHz

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Honiley: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Honiley)

Honiley: Eureka
N522112 W0014000 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
Honiley: VR Beacon
N5221 W00140 (approx.) Google Maps
D, 113.76
Operated from sunrise minus 30 minutes until sunset plus 30 minutes. Closed 2nd day of each month for maintenance.

Norwich: Flughafen (RAF Horsham St Faith)

Horsham St Faith: Eureka
N524045 E0011640 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
AA, 220R/215T MHz
Operated from dawn to dusk. For use with Rebecca Mark 7 only.
Horsham St Faith: VR Beacon
N524050 E0011700 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
A, 113.58
Operated continuous (except?) on 3rd day of each month.

Hullavington: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Hullavington)

Hullavington: Eureka
N5132 W00208 (approx.) Google Maps
HV, 223R/233T MHz
Operated on request.
Hullavington: NDB
N5132 W00208 (approx.) Google Maps
HV, 732.5 kHz, 40 W
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700, Saturday from 0800 to 1200, and on request.
Runway 24:
Hullavington: BABS 24
Operated during aerodrome times by arrangement.
Hullavington: SBA 24
HV, 35.4 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times and on request.
Hullavington: OM 24
235°/1.74 NM to THR 24
Dashes, 38 MHz
Hullavington: IM 24
235°/0.12 NM to THR 24
Dots, 38 MHz

Ibsley: Fan Marker
N5054 W00145 (approx.) Google Maps
2 Dots, 3 Dashes, 75 MHz

Inverness: Flughafen (Dalcross)

Runway 06:
Inverness/Dalcross: NDB (civ)
N5729 W00412 (approx.) Google Maps
MZI, 329 kHz
Runway 24:
Inverness/Dalcross: SBA 24
MZD, 34.4 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Wednesdays from 1300 to 1700.
Inverness/Dalcross: OM 24
243°/1.72 NM to THR 24
Dashes, 38 MHz
Inverness/Dalcross: IM 24
243°/0.07 NM to THR 24
Dots, 38 MHz

Isle of Man: Range/Z Marker
N5404 W00446 (approx.) Google Maps
Range: MYI, 391 kHz
Z Marker: 75 MHz

Isle of Man: Flughafen (Ronaldsway)

Isle of Man/Ronaldsway: NDB
N540509 W0043640 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
GJE, 322 kHz
Runway 27:
Isle of Man/Ronaldsway: SBA 27
GJE, 33.3 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Sundays from 1400 to 1700. Use with caution. Back beam not to be used below 2.600 ft.
Isle of Man/Ronaldsway: IM 27
270°/0.07 NM to THR 27
Dots, 38 MHz

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Jersey: Flughafen

Jersey: NDB
N4913 W00205 (approx.), 273°/3.9 NM to field Google Maps
OJ, 340 kHz
Jersey: NDB
N4911 W00214 (approx.), 056°/2.5 NM to field Google Maps
CB, 305.7 kHz
Located at Corbiere.
Jersey: NDB
N4913 W00201 (approx.), 278°/6.5 NM to field Google Maps
GVC, 383 kHz
Another source: N4913 W00205, GVC, 340 kHz, 272°/3.9 NM to field.
Runway 27:
Jersey: SBA 27
38.6 MHz
Operated on request. Non-standard 240 ft from runway 09 and off-set 150 ft. South of extended centre line. Beam intersects at centre of approach end of runway 27.
Jersey: OM 27
270°/1.88 NM to THR 27
Dashes, 38 MHz
Jersey: IM 27
270°/0.11 NM to THR 27
Dots, 38 MHz

Jurby: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Jurby)

Jurby: NDB
N542214 W0043052 (WGS84, transf.), 211°/1.0 NM to to field Google Maps
MWJ, 358 kHz
Isle of Man.

Kinloss: Royal Air Force Station

Kinloss: BABS
233R, 218T
To runway 26. Operated on request.
Kinloss: Eureka (RAF)
N573839 W0033347 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
KS, 228R/223T MHz, 8 W
Kinloss: NDB (RAF)
N573851 W0033302 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
KS, 370 kHz

Kinnaird Head: NDB
N5742 W00200 (approx.) Google Maps
KD, 303.4 kHz
Fraserburgh, Scotland. Operated H+03 and every 6 minutes.

Kintyre: NDB
N5522 W00532 (approx.) Google Maps
MVR, 355 kHz

Kirkwall: Flughafen (RAF Grimsetter)

Runway 25:
Kirkwall/Grimsetter: SBA 25
GJC, 34.6 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Fridays from 1315 to 1645.
Kirkwall/Grimsetter: OM 25
250°/1.81 NM to THR 25
Dashes, 38 MHz
Kirkwall/Grimsetter: IM 25
250°/0.06 NM to THR 25
Dots, 38 MHz

Lakenheath: Royal Air Force Station

Lakenheath: NDB (USAF)
N5226 E00036 (approx.), 225°/1.5 NM to field Google Maps
LK, 322 kHz, 15 W
Lakenheath: Racon (USAF)
N5224 E00033 (approx.) Google Maps
2-2-2, 9310 MHz
At field. Operated continuously.
Lakenheath: VOR (USAF)
N5222 E00027 (approx.), 064°/4.1 NM to field Google Maps
LK, 116.9 MHz
Operated from 0800 to 2359; 2 hours request outside these times.

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Lanark: NDB
N5541 W00358 (approx.) Google Maps
MVN, 363 kHz

Langar: Royal Air Force Station

Langar: NDB (RCAF)
N525324 W0005423 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
LG, 1263.5 kHz

Leconfield: Royal Air Force Station

Leconfield: Eureka (RAF)
N535250 W0002647 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
LC, 218R/228T MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700.
Runway 19:
Leconfield: SBA 19
LC, 35.6 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Wednesdays from 1300 to 1700 and other days from 0800 to 0900.
Leconfield: OM 19
190°/1.55 NM to THR 19
Dashes, 38 MHz
Leconfield: IM 19
190°/0.07 NM to THR 19
Dots, 38 MHz


Lee-on-Solent: Racon (Royal Navy)
N5049 W00112 (approx.) Google Maps
1, 9310 MHz
Operated on request during aerodrome times.
Used until about 1953/54.
Lee-on-Solent: YG Beacon
N5049 W00112 (approx.) Google Maps
LS, Channel 1, 25 W
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to sunset, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.

Leuchars: Royal Air Force Station

Leuchars: BABS
233R, 218T
To runway 27. Operated on request.
Leuchars: Eureka (RAF)
N562235 W0025102 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
CA, 205R/200T MHz
Later frequency 210R/200T.
Leuchars: VR Beacon (RAF)
N5622 W00252 (approx.) Google Maps
C, 113.58

Lichfield: NDB (civ)
N5245 W00143 (approx.) Google Maps
MYA, 543.5 kHz
On airway Amber One (A1).

Lichfield: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Lichfield)

Lichfield: Eureka
N524244 W0014720 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
Runway 26:
Lichfield: BABS
N524239 W0014757 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps

Lindholme: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Lindholme)

Lindholme: BABS
To runways 05, 23 and 32. Local training only on runway 23. The main beacon for runway 23 was located at N533248 W0005832 (WGS84, transf.)
Lindholme: Eureka
N533241 W0005750 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
LD, 218R/213T MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.
Lindholme: Eureka (Standby)
N533359 W0005849 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
In Hatfield Woodhouse.

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Linton-on-Ouse: Royal Air Force Station

Linton-on-Ouse: Eureka (RAF)
N540313 W0011504 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
EA, 215R/210T MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0830 to 1700. For use with Rebecca Mark 7 only.
Linton-on-Ouse: VR Beacon (RAF)
N540321 W0011501 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
E, 113.94
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0830 to 1700.

Little Crosby: NDB
N5330 W00302 (approx.) Google Maps
MWD, 350 kHz

Little Cumbrae: NDB
N5543 W00458 (approx.) Google Maps
CUMBRAE, 291.5 kHz, 40 W
Little Cumbrae island, Firth of Clyde, North Ayrshire, Scotland. Automatic R/T. Operated in fog every 70 seconds.

Little Rissington

Runway 23:
Little Rissington: SBA 23
LR, 34.4 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Wednesdays from 1200 to 1600 and other days from 0730 to 0830.
Little Rissington: OM 23
229°/1.65 NM to THR 23
Dashes, 38 MHz
Little Rissington: IM 23
229°/0.07 NM to THR 23
Dots, 38 MHz

Liverpool: Flughafen (Speke Airport, John Lennon Airport)

Liverpool/Speke: NDB
N532031 W0025225 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
GJQ, 340 kHz
Former frequency 383 kHz.
Runway 08:
Liverpool/Speke: OM 08
080°/2.7 NM to THR 08
K, 38 MHz
Runway 26:
Liverpool/Speke: SBA 26
GJQ, 33.8 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Sundays from 1000 to 1400.
Liverpool/Speke: OM 26
260°/1.84 NM to THR 26
Dashes, 38 MHz
Liverpool/Speke: IM 26
260°/0.05 NM to THR 26
Dots, 38 MHz

London: Flughafen Heathrow

Runway 10R:
London Airport: ILS 10R
BB, 109.9 MHz
Operated except for Tuesdays from 1330 to 1730.
London Airport: LOM 10R
N5128 W00035 (approx.), 099°/4.0 NM to THR 10R Google Maps
Locator: OW, 302 kHz
Outer Marker: Dashes, 75 MHz
Operates on runways 05, 10 and 15. May be used in conjunction with ILS back beam. Same frequency as Locator "OW".
London Airport: MM 10R
099°/0.8 NM to THR 10R
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Operates on runways 05, 10 and 15. May be used in conjunction with ILS back beam. Same frequency as Locator "OW".
Runway 28L:
London Airport: ILS 28L
LL, 109.5
Operated except for Wednesdays from 1330 to 1730.
London Airport: LOM 28L
N5128 W00020 (approx.), 279°/3.8 NM to THR 28L Google Maps
Locator: OE, 302 kHz
Outer Marker: Dashes, 75 MHz
Operates on runways 23, 28 and 33. Same frequency as Locator "OW".
London Airport: MM 28L
279°/0.6 NM to THR 28L
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
ILS-Anflug London Heathrow 1954
ILS-Anflug auf London Heathrow im Jahr 1954 (Quelle: DoD)

Lossiemouth: Royal Air Force Station

Lossiemouth: Racon (Royal Navy)
N5743 W00319 (approx.) Google Maps
4, 9310 MHz
Operated on request and during airfield hours.
Lossiemouth: YG Beacon (Royal Navy)
N574242 W0031910 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
LM, Channel 5
Operated during aerodrome times Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1800 or sunset, whichever is earlier, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.

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Lundy Island North Lighthouse: NDB
N5112 W00441 (approx.) Google Maps
NL, 296.5 kHz
Operated H+04 and every 6 minutes.

Lympne: Flugplatz

Lympne: Responder Beacon (civ)
N5105 E00101 (approx.) Google Maps
GEG, 233R/228T


Lyneham: BABS
To runways 01, 07, 19, 25 and 31. Runway 31 for local training only.
Lyneham: Eureka
N513029 W0020018 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
LA, 228R/223T MHz, 30 W
Lyneham: NDB
N513024 W0015755 (WGS84, transf.), 280°/0.8 NM to field Google Maps
LA, 343 kHz, 40 W
Another location for this NDB in 1954 was given as N513026 W0020019, which in the western part of the airfield
Lyneham: Racon (RAF)
N5130 W00159 (approx.) Google Maps
2-1-1, 9310 MHz
Operated continuously.

Manby: Royal Air Force Station

Manby: Eureka
N532152 W0000540 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
MY, 213R/218T MHz, 20 W
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700.
Runway 11:
Manby: BABS 11
To runway 11 (114°). Operated during aerodrome times and on request.
Runway 29:
Manby: SBA 29
MY, 36.0 MHz
Operated by arrangement.
Manby: OM 29
294°/1.84 NM to THR 29
Dashes, 38 MHz
Manby: IM 29
294°/0.25 NM to THR 29
Dots, 38 MHz

Manchester: Flughafen (Ringway Airport)

Runway 06:
Manchester: LOM
N5320 W00220 (approx.), 062°/2.0 NM to field Google Maps
Locator: GFR, 325 kHz
Outer Marker: K, 75 MHz
Locator later with the ident "MZM".
Runway 24:
Manchester: ILS 24
GFR, 108.1 MHz
Operated continuously when runway is in use as notified by ATC, except for Mondays from 1400 to 1800.
Manchester: OM 24 (ILS)
242°/3.8 NM to THR 24
Dashes, 75 MHz
Manchester: SBA 24
GFR, 36.8 MHz
Closed Sundays from 1300 to 1700. Bend on front beam near Stockport.
Manchester: OM 24 (SBA)
242°/2.11 NM to THR 24
Dashes, 38 MHz
Manchester: IM 24 (SBA)
242°/0.07 NM to THR 24
Dots, 38 MHz

Manston: Royal Air Force Station

Manston: BABS
To runways 11 and 29.
Manston: Eureka
N512107 E0012151 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
FA, 210R/205T MHz
Operated from dawn until dusk, except first day of each month. For use with Rebecca Mark 7 only.
Manston: Eureka
N512058 E0012140 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
MN, 228R/223T MHz
Manston: North Foreland NDB
N5123 E00127 (approx.), 250°/4.0 NM to field Google Maps
NF, 301.1 kHz
Manston: NDB
N5122 E00121 (approx.), 170°/1.2 NM to field Google Maps
MZN, 397 kHz
Ident in 1954 was "MN"
Manston: VR Beacon
N5121 E00121 (approx.) Google Maps
F, 114.84
Operated from dawn until dusk, except first day of each month.

Marham: Royal Air Force Station

Marham: BABS
N523827 E0003158 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
To runways 06 and 24. Operated on 20 minutes request.
Marham: Eureka
N523855 E0003358 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
MR, 228R/223T MHz, 20 W
Marham: NDB
270°/2.6 NM to field
MR, 346 kHz, 15 W

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May Island Lighthouse: NDB
N5611 W00233 (approx.) Google Maps
LM, 303.4 kHz
Isle of May, Firth of Forth, Scottland. Operated H+01 and every 6 minutes.

Mew Island Lighthouse: NDB
N5442 W00531 (approx.) Google Maps
MW, 294.2 kHz
Copeland Islands, Irish Sea, Operated during fog H+00 and every 2 minutes.

Mildenhall: Royal Air Force Station

Mildenhall: NDB (USAF)
N5219 E00030 (approx.), 357°/2.8 NM to field Google Maps
MI, 338 kHz, 11 W


Molesworth: NDB (USAF)
N522255 E0002440 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
ML, 295 kHz, 20 W
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700, Saturday from 0800 to 1200. In IFR only. Facility not yet flight checked.
Other frequency: 319 kHz.


Runway 22:
Moreton-in-Marsh: SBA 22
MO, 35.8 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times.
Moreton-in-Marsh: OM 22
218°/1.65 NM to THR 22
Dashes, 38 MHz
Moreton-in-Marsh: IM 22
218°/0.07 NM to THR 22
Dots, 38 MHz

Mull of Kintyre Lighthouse: NDB
N5519 W00548 (approx.) Google Maps
KR, 308 kHz
Operated H+02 and every 6 minutes.

Nab Tower Lighthouse: NDB
N5040 W00057 (approx.) Google Maps
NB, 298.8 kHz
Operated in fog H+02 and every 3 minutes.

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Nevin: NDB
N5254 W00426 (approx.) Google Maps
MZP, 366.5 kHz

New Galloway: NDB
N5511 W00410 (approx.) Google Maps
MVG, 723.5 kHz

Newcastle: Flughafen (Newcastle Woolsington)

Newcastle/Woolsington: NDB
N5503 W00139 (approx.) Google Maps
MYN, 352 kHz
Operated from 0700 to 1730.

Newport: Fan Marker
N5136 W00302 (approx.) Google Maps
4 Dashes, 75 MHz

Newton: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Newton)

Runway 24:
Newton: SBA 24
N525740 W0010010 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
NT, 37.6 MHz
Operated by arrangement with Syerston.
Newton: OM 24
237°/1.91 NM to THR 24
Dashes, 38 MHz
Newton: IM 24
N525817 W0005906 (WGS84, transf.), 237°/0.08 NM to THR 24 Google Maps
Dots, 38 MHz

North Luffenham

North Luffenham: NDB (RCAF)
N5236 W00035 (approx.), 350°/1.6 NM to field Google Maps
NL, 396 kHz, 3 W
Operated Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700 and on request.

North Ronaldsay Lighthouse: NDB
N5923 W00223 (approx.) Google Maps
NR, 303.4 kHz
Orkney Islands, Operated: H+05 and every 6 minutes.

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North Unst: NDB
N6051 W00053 (approx.) Google Maps
MF, 291.9 kHz
Shetland Islands. Operated: H+04 and every 6 minutes.

Northolt: Royal Air Force Station

Runway 13:
Northolt: Locator
N5134 W00028 (approx.), 128°/1.7 NM to field Google Maps
NW, 959.5 kHz
For use on runways 08 and 13. Same frequency as Locator "NE".
Northolt: SBA 13
33.3, MWO MHz
Operated except for Tuesdays from 1200 to 1600. Approach on back beam not permitted.
Northolt: OM 13
128°/1.66 NM to THR 13
Dashes, 38 MHz
Northolt: IM 13
128°/0.12 NM to THR 13
Dots, 38 MHz
Runway 26:
Northolt: Locator
N5135 W00019 (approx.), 260°/3.7 NM to field Google Maps
NE, 959.5 kHz
For use on runways 26 and 31. Same frequency as Locator "NW".
Northolt: ILS 26
MWO, 110.3 MHz
Operated continuously when runway 26 is in use. Closed Thursdays from 0900 to 1230. Back beam not to be used. Facility no fully ICAO specification.
Northolt: OM 26 (ILS)
259°/3.7 NM to THR 26
Dashes, 75 MHz
Northolt: Special Marker (ILS)
259°/2.3 NM to THR 26
R, 75 MHz
Northolt: MM 26 (ILS)
259°/0.61 NM to THR 26
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Northolt: SBA 26
MWO, 33.3 MHz
Operated except for Wednesdays from 1200 to 1600. Approach on back beam not permitted.
Northolt: OM 26 (SBA)
259°/2.28 NM to THR 26
Dashes, 38 MHz
Northolt: IM 26 (SBA)
259°/0.21 NM to THR 26
Dots, 38 MHz
Anflug RAF Northolt 1953
Anflug aus Nordwesten auf RAF Northolt (1953) (Quelle: DoD)

Oldham: NDB
N5333 W00203 (approx.) Google Maps
MYL, 344 kHz

Ottringham: NDB
N5343 W00010 (approx.) Google Maps
MVO, 759.5 kHz

Pembroke Dock: Flying Boat Station (Pembroke Dock F.B.A.A.)

Pembroke Dock: BABS
Approach course 280°. Operated by arrangement. For local training only.
Pembroke Dock: Eureka
N514115 W0045613 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
PM, 228R/223T MHz, 10 W

Point Lynas: Fan Marker
N5325 W00420 (approx.) Google Maps
3 Dashes, 75 MHz

Portaferry: Fan Marker
N5423 W00532 (approx.) Google Maps
4 Dashes, 75 MHz
On airway Red Three (R3).

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Prestwick: Flughafen (Glasgow Prestwick Airport, RNAS Prestwick, HMS Gannet, RAF Prestwick)

Prestwick: Beach Fan Marker
N5530 W00437 (approx.) Google Maps
3 Dashes, 75 MHz
3.48 NM from Prestwick Range on southwest leg.
Prestwick: Racon (RAF)
N553025 W0043427 (WGS84, transf.), 292°/0.5 NM to field Google Maps
1-2-1, 9310 MHz, 20 kW
Operated continuously.
Runway 13:
Prestwick: ILS 13
PP, 109.5 MHz
Operated continuously when runway 13 is in use. Closed Sundays from 0900 to 1300. Not to be used below 150 ft. Back beam not to be used.
Prestwick: OM 13
3.39 NM to THR 13
Dashes, 75 MHz
Offset of 587 yards to port of runway centre line.
Prestwick: LMM 13
N553106 W0043715 (WGS84, transf.), 133°/0.74 NM to THR 13 Google Maps
Locator: PW, 316 kHz
Middle Marker: Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Operated continuous, according to landing direction - see Prestwick NDB PE on the same frequency.
Prestwick: IM 13
133°/0.11 NM to THR 13
75 MHz
Boundary Marker.
Runway 26:
Prestwick: Range/Z Marker
N5532 W00431 (approx.), 256°/2.4 NM to field Google Maps
Range: GJR, 374 kHz
Z Marker: Dash, 75 MHz
The four predefined courses to the Range were 075°, 146°, 271° and 339°.
Runway 31:
Prestwick: ILS 31
KK, 108.1 MHz
No glide path available. Operated continuously when runway 31 is in use. Closed Saturdays from 0900 to 1300.
Prestwick: LOM 31
N5528 W00428 (approx.), 313°/3.92 NM to THR 31 Google Maps
Locator: PE, 316 kHz
Outer Marker: Dashes, 75 MHz
Operated continuous, according to landing direction - see Prestwick NDB PW on the same frequency.
Prestwick: MM 31
313°/0.61 NM to THR 31
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Flughafen Prestwick, Karte 1954
Prestick 1954. - Die Karte zeigt das ILS auf die Landebahn 13 mit den Markierungsfunkfeuern sowie den Back course für Landebahn 31. Nordöstlich des Platzes steht die Range GJR. Von ihren vier Leitstrahlen weist der Strahl 075° über den Flugplatz hinweg. Westlich des Platzes steht dort das Markierungsfunkfeuer "Beach", das drei Striche sendet. (Quelle: DoD)

Renfrew: Flugplatz

Renfrew: NDB (civ)
N5553 W00428 (approx.), 121°/2.8 NM to field Google Maps
GER, 325 kHz
Renfrew: NDB (civ)
N5550 W00432 (approx.), 121°/2.8 NM to field Google Maps
MZG, 350 kHz
Runway 08:
Renfrew: ILS 08
GER, 109.9 MHz
Operated continuously, closed Wednesdays from 0900 to 1300.
Renfrew: LOM 08 (ILS)
N5550 W00432 (approx.), 082°/4.9 NM to THR 08 Google Maps
Locator: RW, 396 kHz
Outer Marker: Dashes, 75 MHz
Renfrew: MM 08 (ILS)
089°/0.66 NM to THR 08
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Renfrew: SBA 08
GER, 34.6 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Sundays from 0730 to 1130. Back beam to be used with caution.
Renfrew: OM 08 (SBA)
082°/2.04 NM to THR 08
Dashes, 38 MHz
Renfrew: Marker (SBA)
082°/0.66 NM to THR 08
R, 38 MHz
Indicates obstructions 190 ft above aerodrome level, 4000 ft from the approach end of runway 08.
Renfrew: IM 08 (SBA)
082°/0.05 NM to THR 08
Dots, 38 MHz

Cardiff: Flughafen (Rhoose)

Rhoose: NDB
N5124 W00321 (approx.) Google Maps
MYR, 331 kHz
Operated by arrangement with Cardiff.
Runway 22:
Rhoose: SBA 22
MYR, 36.8 MHz
To be used with caution. By arrangement with CARDIFF. Non-standard beam. Main beacon 400 yards inwards from southwest end of runway 04/22. 105 yards southeast of runway centre line. Beam intersects extended line centre of runway 218° between Inner Marker and Middle Marker at approx. 900 yards from end of runway.
Rhoose: OM 22
215°/4 NM to THR 22
Dashes, 38 MHz
Minimum height on final approach at Outer Marker is 1,500 ft A.A.L.
Rhoose: IM 22
215°/0.03 NM to THR 22
Dots, 38 MHz
Rhoose: MM 22
215°/0.13 NM to THR 22
Dots, 38 MHz

Rochester: Flughafen

Rochester: YG Beacon
N5121 E00030 (approx.) Google Maps
YZ, Channel 4
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700 or sunset, whichever is earlier; Saturday from 0800 to 1200.

Round Island Lighthouse: NDB
N4949 W00619 (approx.) Google Maps
RR, 308 kHz
Operated H+03 and every 6 minutes.

Royal Sovereign Light Vessel: NDB
N5043 E00027 (approx.) Google Maps
RY, 305.7 kHz
Operated in fog H+01 and every 2 minutes.

Rufforth: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Rufforth)

Rufforth: BABS
To runway 24. Operated during aerodrome times, except from Saturday 1200 to Sunday 1700.
Rufforth: Eureka (RAF)
N535707 W0011058 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
RU, 233R/228T MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700, Saturday and Sunday by arrangement.

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Scampton: Royal Air Force Station

Scampton: BABS
To runways 01, 05, 19, 23 and 29.
Scampton: Eureka
N531804 W0003243 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
SA, 223T/228R MHz

Sculthorpe: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Sculthorpe)

Sculthorpe: NDB
N5251 E00042 (approx.), 097°/2.3 NM to field Google Maps
SP, 390 kHz, 300 W
In 1953: 116° / 1.9 NM
Sculthorpe: Racon (USAF)
N5251 E00046 (approx.) Google Maps
2-1-2, 9310 MHz
Operated continuously.
RAF Sculthorpe, Flugplatzkarte 1953
RAF Sculthorpe 1953 (Quelle: DoD)

Seaford: Fan Marker
N5046 E00007 (approx.) Google Maps
2 Dashes, 75 MHz

Sevenoaks: Fan Marker
N5115 E00009 (approx.) Google Maps
3 Dashes, 75 MHz

Shambles Light Vessel: NDB
N5031 W00220 (approx.) Google Maps
SM, 305.7 kHz
Operated in fog H+00 and every 2 minutes.

Shawbury: Royal Air Force Station

Shawbury: Eureka (RAF)
N524734 W0023940 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
SY, 228R/223T MHz
Runway 01:
Shawbury: BABS 01
To runway 01 (010°). Operated during aerodrome times and on request.
Shawbury: SBA 01
SY, 33.6 MHz
Operated except for Wednesdays from 1200 to 1700.
Shawbury: OM 01
010°/1.99 NM to THR 01
Dashes, 38 MHz
Shawbury: IM 01
010°/0.10 NM to THR 01
Dots, 38 MHz

Shepherds Grove: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Shepherds Grove)

Shepherds Grove: NDB (USAF)
N521841 E0005522 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
SG, 376 kHz

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Skerries Lighthouse: NDB
N5325 W00436 (approx.) Google Maps
SR, 296.5 kHz
Operated H+01 and every 6 minutes.

Skipness: NDB
N5546 W00521 (approx.) Google Maps
SF, 335 kHz

South Bishop Lighthouse: NDB
N5151 W00525 (approx.) Google Maps
SB, 296.5 kHz
Operated H+02 and every 6 minutes.

Southampton: Flugbootstation

Southampton: NDB (civ)
N5052 W00122 (approx.) Google Maps
MWE, 322 kHz
Operated during aerodrome times.

Southampton: Flughafen (Eastleigh)

Runway 21:
Southampton/Eastleigh: SBA
GJD, 34.2 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Tuesdays from 1400 to 1800.
Southampton/Eastleigh: OM 21
209°/1.8 NM to THR 21
Dashes, 38 MHz
Southampton/Eastleigh: IM 21
209°/0.07 NM to THR 21
Dots, 38 MHz

Spurn Light Vessel: NDB
N5334 W00013 (approx.) Google Maps
SL, 303. kHz
Operated at H+00 and every 6 minutes.

St. Eval: Royal Air Force Station (RAF St. Eval)

St. Eval: BABS
To runway 26. Operated on 15 minutes request.
St. Eval: Eureka
N5029 W00500 (approx.) Google Maps
SV, 228R/223T MHz, 8 W
St. Eval: NDB
N5028 W00457 (approx.), 296°/2.0 NM to field Google Maps
SV, 376 kHz

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St. Mawgan: Royal Air Force Station

St. Mawgan: BABS
To runways 14, 26 and 32. Operated during aerodrome times.

St. Merryn: Royal Naval Air Station (RNAS St Merryn, HMS Vulture)

St. Merryn: Racon (Royal Navy)
N5030 W00459 (approx.) Google Maps
3, 9310 MHz
Operated on request during airfield hours.

London: Flughafen Stansted

Stanstedt: NDB
N5153 E00015 (approx.), 271°/1.0 NM to field Google Maps
MVF, 249 kHz
Operated during aerodrome times from 0845 to 2030.
Runway 23:
Stanstedt: SBA 23
MVF, 34.4 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Sundays from 0900 to 1300. Unreliable. Use with caution.
Stanstedt: OM 23
233°/2.12 NM to THR 23
Dashes, 38 MHz
Stanstedt: IM 23
233°/0.07 NM to THR 23
Dots, 38 MHz

Start Point Lighthouse: NDB
N5013 W00338 (approx.) Google Maps
SP, 291.9 kHz
Operated H+05 and every 6 minutes.

Stockwood: Fan Marker
N5131 W00208 (approx.) Google Maps
2 Dashes, 75 MHz

Stornoway (RAF Stornoway)

Stornoway: NDB
N581239 W0062126 (WGS84, transf.), 084°/0.9 NM to field Google Maps
MRI, 359 kHz
Lewis and Harris, Outer Hebrides.
Runway 19:
Stornoway: SBA 19
MRI, 33.3 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Tuesdays from 1300 to 1700. Backbeam not to be used.
Stornoway: OM 19
189°/1.87 NM to THR 19
Dashes, 38 MHz
Stornoway: IM 19
189°/0.07 NM to THR 19
Dots, 38 MHz

Stretton: Royal Naval Air Station (RNAS Stretton, HMS Blackcap)

Stretton: YG Beacon (Royal Navy)
N532057 W0023213 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
ST, Channel 3
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1800 or sunset, whichever is earlier; Saturday from 0800 to 1200.

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Stroma Lighthouse: NDB
N5842 W00307 (approx.) Google Maps
OM, 298.8 kHz
Stroma island, Scotland. Operated in fog H+00 and every 2 minutes.

Strumble: NDB
N5201 W00501 (approx.) Google Maps
MWL, 249 kHz

Sturgate: Royal Air Force Station

Sturgate: NDB (USAF)
N532205 W0004110 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
SU, 354 kHz
Sturgate: Racon (USAF)
N532236 W0004135 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
1-2-2, 9310 MHz
On standby status, 12 to 24 hours notice.

Sule Skerry: NDB
N5905 W00425 (approx.) Google Maps
LK, 291.9 kHz
Orkney Islands. Operated H+03 and every 6 minutes.

Sumburgh: Flugplatz

Sumburgh: NDB
N5953 W00118 (approx.) Google Maps
GJF, 351 kHz
Mainland, Shetland.
Runway 28:
Sumburgh: SBA 28 (270°)
GJF, 33.3 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Mondays from 1145 to 1545. Non-standard installation. Services runway 28 (276°). Main beacon and Z Marker situated 100 yards south of runway 10/28.
Sumburgh: Z Marker
38 MHz

Swanton Morley

Swanton Morley: BABS 24
To runway 24 (240°). Operated during aerodrome times and on request.
Swanton Morley: Eureka
N524342 E0005831 (WGS84, transf.), 279° to field Google Maps
SM, 218R/233T MHz, 8 W
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.
Swanton Morley: NDB
N5242 E00058 (approx.), 360°/1.4 NM to field Google Maps
SM, 340 kHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.


Swinderby: BABS
To runways 02, 06, 11, 24 and 29.
Swinderby: Eureka
N530853 W0004012 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
SW, 218R/233T MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700, Saturday from 0800 to 1200.
Runway 24:
Swinderby: SBA 24
SW, 34.8 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Wednesdays from 0800 to 1000.
Swinderby: OM 24
243°/1.74 NM to THR 24
Dashes, 38 MHz
Swinderby: IM 24
243°/0.10 NM to THR 24
Dots, 38 MHz

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Syerston: YG Beacon
N5301 W00055 (approx.) Google Maps
SJ, Channel 5
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 0745 to 1200 and from 1300 to 1630; Wednesday and Saturday from 0745 to 1200.

Tangmere: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Tangmere)

Tangmere: BABS
To runway 07.
Tangmere: Eureka
N505100 W0004227 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
BA, 215R/210T MHz
Operated from 30 minutes before dawn until 30 minutes after dusk, and by arrangement outside these times. For use with Rebecca Mark 7 only.
Tangmere: Eureka
N505100 W0004227 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
TG, 228R/223T MHz, 20 W
Range limited to the North due to high ground.
Tangmere: VR Beacon
N505048 W0004256 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
B, 114.66
Operated from 30 minutes before dawn until 30 minutes after dusk, except for 5th day of each month.

Ternhill: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Ternhill)

Runway 23:
Ternhill: SBA 23
N525206 W0023223 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
TH, 34.6 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times.
Ternhill: OM 23
N525441 W0022828 (WGS84, approx.), 234°/2.82 NM to THR 23 Google Maps
Dashes, 38 MHz
Probably located on the northeastern edge of Market Drayton.
Ternhill: IM 23
N525239 W0023132 (WGS84, transf.), 234°/0.07 NM to THR 23 Google Maps
Dots, 38 MHz

Thorney Island: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Thorney Island)

Thorney Island: BABS
To runways 24 and 30. For local training only.
Thorney Island: Eureka
N504932 W0005556 (WGS84, transf.), 145°/0.6 NM to field Google Maps
TI, 218R/233T MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700, except Mondays from 0900 to 1000.

Tiree: Flugplatz

Tiree: NDB
MZT, 386 kHz
At field.
Runway 24:
Tiree: SBA 24
MZT, 33.3
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Thurdays from 1000 to 1300. Unsuitable for back beam approaches.
Tiree: OM 24
241°/2 NM to THR 24
Dashes, 38 MHz
Tiree: IM 24
241°/0.07 NM to THR 24
Dots, 38 MHz
Anflug auf den Flugplatz Tiree 1953
Anflug auf den Flugplatz Tiree 1953 (Quelle: DoD)

Topcliffe: Royal Air Force Station

Topcliffe: Eureka
N541217 W0012356 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
TP, 213R/223T MHz
Operated continuously, maintenance period from 0730 to 0830.

Tory Island: NDB
N5516 W00815 (approx.) Google Maps
TY, 308 kHz
Toraigh. Operated H+04 and every 6 minutes.

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Edinburgh: Flughafen (RAF Turnhouse)

Runway 13:
Turnhouse: Locator 13
131° to THR 13
Turnhouse: SBA 13
MWF, 33.8
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Wednesdays from 1400 to 1800.
Turnhouse: OM 13
131°/131° to THR 13
Dashes, 38 MHz
Turnhouse: IM 13
131°/0.28 NM to THR 13
Dots, 38 MHz
Runway 31:
Turnhouse: Locator 31
311° to THR 31
Turnhouse: OM 31
311°/1.65 NM to THR 31
K, 38 MHz

Tynemouth: NDB
N5501 W00124 (approx.) Google Maps
TJ, 303.4 kHz
Operated H+02 and every 6 minutes.


Upavon: Eureka (RAF)
N5117 W00146 (approx.) Google Maps
UA, 218R/228T MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0900 to 1630, Saturday from 0900 to 1200.

Upper Heyford (RAF Upper Heyford, Bicester)

Upper Heyford: NDB (USAF)
N515537 W0011557 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
UH, 376 kHz, 40 W
Flugplatz RAF Upper Heyford, Großbritannien 1954
RAF Upper Heyford 1954 (Quelle: DoD)

Upwood: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Upwood)

Upwood: BABS
To runways 06, 11, 19, 24 and 28. Operated during aerodrome times and on request.
Upwood: Eureka
N5226 W00008 (approx.) Google Maps
DU, 228R/218T MHz, 8 W
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700.

Usworth: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Usworth, Sunderland Airport)

Usworth: Eureka (RAF)
N545512 W0012835 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
In use until approx. 1953 or 1954.

Valley: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Valley)

Valley: BABS
To runways 08, 14, 20, 26 and 32.
Valley: Eureka
N531526 W0043246 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
HA, 210R/205T MHz
For use with Rebecca Mark 7 only. Operated from 30 minutes before dawn to 30 minutes after dusk.
Valley: Eureka
N531526 W0043246 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
VY, 228R/223T MHz, 25 W
Valley: VR Beacon
N5315 W00433 (approx.), 143°/0.7 NM to field Google Maps
H, 112.14
Operated from 0900 to 1800.
Valley: YG Beacon
N531451 W0043138 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
VY, Channel 1, 25 W
Operated from 0830 to 1700 and on request.

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Waddington: Royal Air Force Station

Waddington: Eureka
N5310 W00031 (approx.) Google Maps
WA, 228R/223T MHz
Waddington: NDB
N5310 W00031 (approx.) Google Maps
WA, 363 kHz, 50 W
Operated continuously.

Wallasey: Fan Marker
N5325 W00307 (approx.) Google Maps
2 Dashes, 75 MHz

Warton: Fan Marker
N5346 W00248 (approx.) Google Maps
4 Dashes, 75 MHz

Watford: Range/Z Marker
N5140 W00021 (approx.) Google Maps
Range: MYW, 223 kHz
Z Marker: 75 MHz
The four predefined courses to the Range were 066°, 156°, 246° and 336°.

Wellesbourne Mountford: Flugplatz (RAF Wellesbourne Mountford)

Runway 24:
Wellesbourne Mountford: SBA 24
WM, 34.2 MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, except for Mondays from 1300 to 1700.
Wellesbourne Mountford: OM 24
242°/1.38 NM to THR 24
Dashes, 38 MHz
Wellesbourne Mountford: IM 24
242°/0.08 to THR 24
Dots, 38 MHz

West Raynham

West Raynham: YG Beacon
N524724 E0004426 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
WR, Channel 2
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 0800 to 1715.


Wethersfield: NDB (USAF)
N5158 E00030 (approx.) Google Maps
WX, 385 kHz, 45 W

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Whitegate: Fan Marker
N5311 W00237 (approx.) Google Maps
2 Dots, 2 Dashes, 75 MHz
Whitegate: NDB
N5311 W00237 (approx.) Google Maps
MZE, 340 kHz

Wigan: NDB
N5336 W00243 (approx.) Google Maps
MYK, 286 kHz
Former ident/frequency MWW/350 kHz.

Wisley: Flugplatz

Wisley: Eureka
N5118 W00027 (approx.) Google Maps
218R/228T MHz
Operated by arrangement.

Wittering: Royal Air Force Station

Wittering: BABS
To runway 26. Operated during aerodrome times.
Wittering: Eureka
N5237 W00028 (approx.) Google Maps
WJ, 223R/233T MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0830 to 1700, Saturday from 0830 to 1200.
Wittering: NDB
N5237 W00028 (approx.) Google Maps
WJ, 327 kHz, 10 W
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0830 to 1700, Saturday from 0830 to 1200.

Woburn: Fan Marker
N5201 W00043 (approx.) Google Maps
2 Dots, 4 Dashes, 75 MHz

Woodley: NDB
N5127 W00053 (approx.) Google Maps
MWZ, 723.5 kHz
Prior permission only, Monday to Friday.

Wyton: Royal Air Force Station (RAF Wyton)

Wyton: Eureka
N5221 W00007 (approx.) Google Maps
WY, 223R/213T MHz
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1700.
Wyton: NDB
N5223 W00004 (approx.), 215°/3.1 NM to field Google Maps
WY, 352 kHz

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Yeovilton: YG Beacon (Royal Navy)
N5100 W00238 (approx.) Google Maps
VL, Channel 2
Operated during aerodrome times, Monday to Friday from 0800 to 1800 or sunset, whichever is earlier; Saturday from 0800 to 1200.

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Verwandte Themen

Funkfeuer in Irland in den 1950er Jahren
Funkfeuer in Island in den 1950er Jahren
Funkfeuer in Frankreich in den 1950er Jahren