Lajes Air Base, Azores

Base Aérea das Lajes, Base Aérea Nº 4, BA4

Historical approach and aerodrome charts

Base Aérea das Lajes / Base Aérea Nº 4 / BA4 / Lages, Lagens, Terceira, Açores

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN384551 W0270535 (WGS84) Google Maps

Location Indicator: LPLA

In the 1950s

Range approach chart runway 16 Lajes Air Base, Portugal 1951
Range approach runway 16 (November 1951)
(Source: US DoD)
Carta Range approach runway 34 Lajes Air Base, Portugal 1951
Range approach runway 34 (November 1951)
(Source: US DoD)
Aerodrome map Lajes Air Base, Portugal 1951
Aerodrome (November 1951)
There are three runways: 03/21 with 1722 m x 46 m (5650 feet x 150 feet), 11/29 with 1911 m x 46 m (6270 feet x 150 feet), 16/34 with 3246 m x 61 m (10650 feet x 200 feet).
(Source: US DoD)

In the 1960s

NDB approach chart runway 16 Lajes Air Base, Azores, Portugal 1960
NDB approach runway 16 (October 1960)
Now two runways are shown - 16/34: length 3170 m, width 91 m, unusually wide (10400 feet x 300 feet). Runway 11/29 with a length of 1751 m and width of 46 m (5745 feet x 150 feet) now only serves for emergencies. Runway 03/21 is closed.
(Source: US DoD)
NDB approach runway 34 Lajes Aerodrome, Azores, Portugal 1960
NDB approach runway 34 (October 1960)
(Source: US DoD)
VOR approach 16 Lajes Airfield, Azores, Portugal 1960
VOR approach runway 16 (October 1960)
Like many other airfields used by the US Air Force, Lajes had a VOR beacon for a few years.
(Source: US DoD)
NDB-ILS approach chart runway 16 Lajes Air Base, Azores, Portugal 1966
NDB/ILS approach runway 16 (May 1966)
Now runway 11/29 is closed as well. Runway 16/34 is shown with a length of 3292 m (10800 feet).
(Source: US DoD)
VOR-ILS approach chart runway 16 Lajes Aerodrome Azores, 1966
VOR/ILS approach runway 16 (May 1966)
(Source: US DoD)
TACAN 1 approach chart Lajes Airfield Portugal 1966
TACAN 1 approach (May 1966)
(Source: US DoD)
TACAN 2 approach chart Lajes Airport 1966
TACAN 2 approach (May 1966)
(Source: US DoD)
Carta TACAN-ILS approach runway 16 Base Aérea das Lajes, Azores, 1966
TACAN/ILS approach runway 16 (May 1966)
(Source: US DoD)

Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)

Index to the objects shown on the maps

Aerodromes / Aeródromos:

  • Lajes / Lagens / Lages

Radio beacons / Radiofarol:

  • Lages Range "GP", NDB "DK"
  • Lajes Locator "GP", VOR "LM", TACAN "LAJ", ILS "DK", Middle Marker

Air traffic control / Controlo do Tráfego Aéreo:

  • Lages Radio, Lajes Approach Control, Lajes Tower

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