Bert Kondruss
Bahnhofstraße 13
D-71696 Möglingen, Germany
Please note: This is a private website. I am not in any official connection with one of the airfields or subsequent owners and I am also not the official representative for any of these airfields.
Please understand that I cannot help you with the following topics:
Thanks :-)
This is a private Website.
The informations on this website are given for historical reasons only. There are no political intentions.
Only public available informations and sources are used.
All aeronautical data is obsolete and for information only. They are not to be used for navigational purposes.
Oberservation of aircrafts (spotting) is usally tolerated in Germany and in many other countries. However, it may be prohibited in certain situations and generally in some countries. Violations could be punished drastically (imprisonment). If in doubt, don't do it.
Taking pictures of or making notes about active military objects and installations is normally prohibited. In some countries, violations are punished drastically (even in Europe, like in Greece).
It is not allowed to enter active military installations. Former military installations are often in private property. Always ask for permission if you want to visit.
Former military installations may be polluted by ammunition and toxic agents. Entering can be dangerous to life.
The author cannot be held liable for any loss or damage arising from using the informations on this website.