Radio beacons in Poland in the 1950s

Radiolatarnia w Polsce w latach 50

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!

The following list contains the aeronautical radio beacons that were active in Denmark in the mid of the 1950s. All information is outdated and may not be used for navigational purposes.

The list is very incomplete, because especially the military radio beacons are missing.

Warschau-Okęcie airport was equipped with the Standard Beam Approach (SBA) as approach aid.



civcivilcivil operator
GPGlide pathGlide path transmitter
ILSInstrument Landing System(Approach and landing aid)
IMInner MarkerMarker beacon just in front the runway
kHzKilohertz(Unit for frequency)
LLocatorNon-directional beacon for the approach
LLZLocalizerLocalizer transmitter
LMMLocator Middle MarkerCombination of Middle Marker and Locator
LOMLocator Outer MarkerCombination of Outer Marker and Locator
mMeter(Unit for length)
MHzMegahertz(Unit for frequency)
milmilitarymilitary operator
MMMiddle MarkerMarker beacon
NDBNon-directional beaconNon-directional beacon on long or medium waves
NMNautical Miles(Unit for length)
OMOuter MarkerMarker beacon
PRMGПРМГ Посадочная радиомаячная группаSoviet / russian military instrument landing system
RSBNРСБН Rадиотехническая система ближней навигацииSoviet / russian military radio navigation system
SBAStandard Beam ApproachApproach system, Lorenz system, predecessor of the ILS
THRThresholdRunway threshold (most often with number of runway)
transf.transformedCoordinates were converted from a different reference system, therefore there may be deviations.
VARVisual-Aural Rnange
VORVHF Omnidirectional Radio Range
WWatt(Unit for power)
WGS84World Geodetic System 1984(geospatial reference system, GPS coordinates)


For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!

Brodnica: NDB
RV, 700 kHz

Czempiń: NDB
N5209 E01647 (approx.) Google Maps
AI, 409 kHz
Operated Mondays from 0815 to 1015, from 1150 to 1340 and from 1430 to 1545; Tuesdays from 0820 to 0920 and from 1150 to 1545; Wednesdays from 0755 to 1015, from 1145 to 1340 and from 1430 to 1545; Thursdays from 0815 to 1015 and from 1150 to 1545; Fridays from 0755 to 1015 and from 1150 to 1545; Saturdays from 0820 to 0920 and from 1150 to 1545; Sundays from 1150 to 1305, from 1430 to 1545; and on request.

Iwięcino: NDB
N5419 E01613 (approx.) Google Maps
SRT, 394 kHz
Operated by arrangement.

Łódź: NDB
N5143 E01924 (approx.) Google Maps
SRF, 357 kHz
Operated Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 0650 to 1050 and from 1125 to 1630; Tuesdays and Fridays from 0650 to 1050 and from 1125 to 1720; Wednesdays from 0650 to 1420 and from 1445 to 1630; Sundays from 0925 to 1050, from 1125 to 1240 and from 1445 to 1605; and on request.

Skierniewice: NDB
N5158 E02009 (approx.) Google Maps
AM, 319 kHz
Operated Monday and Thursdays from 0645 to 1050 and from 1120 to 1705; Tuesdays and Fridays from 0645 to 1050 and from 1120 to 1745; Wednesdays from 0645 to 1705; Saturdays from 0645 to 1050 and from 1120 to 1725; Sundays from 0935 to 1050, from 1120 to 1225 and from 1455 to 1635; and on request.

Toruń: NDB
BH, 290 kHz

Toruń: Airfield

Toruń: NDB
N5301 E01834 (approx.) Google Maps
TR, 339 kHz

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!

Warsaw: Okęcie Airport (Port Lotniczy Warszawa-Okęcie, Lotnisko Chopina w Warszawie, Warsaw Chopin Airport)

Warszawa/Okęcie: NDB
N5210 E02101 (approx.), 248°/1.7 NM to field Google Maps
AO, 380 kHz
Previous frequency: 227 kHz (1951); previous ident: SRO (1954). Operated Mondays and Thursdays from 0630 to 1040 and from 1115 to 1630; Tuesdays and Fridays from 0630 to 1040 and from 1115 to 1715; Wednesdays from 0645 to 1040 and from 1100 to 1630; Saturdays from 0645 to 1040 and from 1115 to 1700; Sundays from 0930 to 1040, from 1115 to 1205 and from 1505 to 1630; and on request.
Runway 15:
Warszawa/Okęcie: Locator
N5211 E02058 (approx.) Google Maps
AK, 470 kHz
Operated on request.
Warszawa/Okęcie: Locator
N5211 E02058 (approx.) Google Maps
B, 427 kHz, 92 W
Operated on request.
Warszawa/Okęcie: SBA
33.3 MHz
Operated on request.
Warszawa/Okęcie: OM 15 (SBA)
150° to THR 15
Dashes, 38 MHz
Warszawa/Okęcie: IM 15 (SBA)
150° to THR 15
Dots, 38 MHz

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!


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