Vienna Schwechat Airport


Historical approach and aerodrome charts

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN480657 E0163320 (WGS84) Google Maps
Location indicatorLOWW

In the 1950s

Airport chart Vienna Schwechat Airport, Austria 1950
Airport (October 1950) - At this time, the airfield is operated by the Royal Air Force (RAF). Typical for RAF airfields are red airport beacons, here it has the Morse code "SC". (Source: US DoD)

In the 1960s

NDB approach chart runway 12 Vienna Schwechat Airport, Austria 1960
NDB approach runway 12 (October 1960) - At that time, the construction of a parallel runway was already planned. But while today's third runway is to be built in the south, here a parallel runway was planned in the northeast of the field. (Source: US DoD)
NDB approach chart runway 30 Vienna Schwechat Airport, Austria 1960
NDB approach runway 30 (October 1960) - In 1960, the runway still had the designation 12/30, while today it is 11/29. (Source: US DoD)

Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)


Image credits are shown on the respective target page, click on the preview to open it.


Historical approach and aerodrome charts - Austria

Historical approach and airfield plates
