Reykjavík Airport


Historical approach and aerodrome charts


For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN640743 W0215615 (WGS84) Google Maps
Location indicatorBIRK

In the 1950s

Range approach chart runway 14 Reykjavík Airport, 1953
Range approach runway 14 (July 1953) (Source: US DoD)
Map Reykjavík Airport, Iceland 1953
Airport map (July 1953) - There are three runways - 02/20: length 1436 m, width 91 m (4710 feet x 300 feet), 07/25: length 1262 m, width 91 m (4140 feet x 300 feet), 14/32: length 1399 m, width 91 m (4590 feet x 300 feet). In the south of the airfield, a seaplane base is marked. (Source: US DoD)

Index to the objects shown on the maps

Radio beacons with identifier:

  • Reykjavik Range "RK"

Air traffic control / Communications:

  • Reykjavik Radio, Reykjavik Tower


  • Bessastaðir, Bessastaðatjörn, Brautarholt
  • Fossvogur
  • Hafnarfjörður
  • Kálfatjörn, Kópavogur
  • Lágafell
  • North Atlantic
  • Reykjavík
  • Skerjafjörður

Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)


only 36 km away
Aerodrome chart Keflavík, Iceland 1954
1486 km away
NDB approach chart Dublin Airport 1954
Image credits are shown on the respective target page, click on the preview to open it.


Historical approach charts - Iceland

Historical approach and airfield plates

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