Santana Airfield, Azores

Aeródromo de Santana

Historical approach and aerodrome charts

Aeródromo Militar de Santana, Açores - Cartas de aproximação históricos

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN374835 W0253318 (WGS84) Google Maps

Santana was a small airfield near Ribeira Seca / Ribeira Grande on the island of São Miguel. Today the airfield is closed, the area houses a naval transmitting station (LTX Santana).

In the 1960s

NDB approach chart Santana Airfield, Portugal 1960
NDB approach (October 1960)
There are three runways: 06/24 with 1100 m x 100 m (3609 feet x 328 feet), 09/27 with 1200 m x 100 m (3937 feet x 328 feet), 13/31 with 1550 m x 100 m (5085 feet x 328 feet).
(Source: US DoD)

Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)

Index to the objects shown on the maps

Aerodromes / Aeródromos:

  • Santana

Radio beacons / Radiofarol:

  • Santana NDB "SML"

Air traffic control / Controlo do Tráfego Aéreo:

  • Santana Approach Control, Santana Tower


171 km away
Aerodrome map Lajes Air Base, Portugal 1951
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