Vaiņode: Air Base

Vaiņodes lidlauks, Аэродром Вайнёде

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN562421 E0215310 (WGS84) Google Maps
Map with location of Vaiņode Air Base
The history of the Cold War airfields: Vaiņode


Vaiņode is located in the southwest of Latvia. The former airfield is southeast of the city. During the Cold War, Vaiņode was an air base of the Soviet Air Force. Today, the airfield is closed.

During the Cold War


Soviet Air Force base.


Map with Vainode airfield, Latvia, 1973
Vaiņode Airfield on a map of the US Department of Defense from 1973
Source: ONC D-2 (1973), Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, University of Texas at Austin /PCL MC/


Satellite image of Vainode Air Base, 1975
US satellite image from July 1975 - The approach sectors of the two parallel runways extend several kilometres to the east and west.
Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Vainode Air Base, Latvia
Enlargement - In the northeast there is an anti-aircraft missile site (circular structure)
Source: U.S. Geological Survey


The airfield had two parallel hard-surfaced runways:
  • 08R/26L: 2600 m
  • 08L/26R: 2400 m


Occupation by Soviet units (courtesy of "Unter dem Radar"):
  • Mai 1945 - 1946: HQ of a Fighter Division with three Fighter Regiments
  • September 1953 - August 1959: one Guards Fighter Regiment (MiG-15, MiG-17)
  • 1954 - March 1960: 54th Guards Fighter Regiment (MiG-15, MiG-17, Yak-25M)
  • March 1960 - 1978: 54th Guards Fighter Regiment (Air Defense) (Su-15)
  • 1978 - April 1986: 54th Guards Fighter Regiment (Su-15)
  • April 1986 -1990: 54th Guards Fighter Regiment (Air Defense) (Su-27)

Railway siding

Railway siding from the north.


  • October 1957
    US organizations count at the airfield 2 Il-28 BEAGLE and 30 to 55 MiG-type fighter aircraft. (Source: CIA)
  • March 1966
    The CIA counts approx. 40 small swept-wing aircraft at the airfield. (Source: CIA)



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