Radio beacons in Denmark in the 1950s

Radiofyr stationer i Danmark i 1950'erne - NDB, Range, ILS

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!

The following list contains the aeronautical radio beacons that were active in Denmark in the mid of the 1950s. All information is outdated and may not be used for navigational purposes.

At this time there were mainly non-directional beacons (NDB). The identification of most en-route beacons consisted of three letters and began with an O. Other radio beacons, especially those for the approach to airfields, had two letters, mostly according to the name of the airfield.

Copenhagen Kastrup airport was equipped with the Instrument Landing System (ILS).

Radio beacons and airways

Radio beacons and airways Jutland, Funen, Zealand, Denmark, 1955
Northern parts of Jutland, Funen, Zealand (Source: DoD)
Radio beacons and airways Zealand, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1955
Zealand with Copenhagen (bottom left) (Source: DoD)
Radio navigation southern parts of Jutland, Funen, 1955
Southern parts of Jutland and Funen (Source: DoD)
Radio beacons and airways Funen, Zealand, Lolland, Falster, Bornholm, 1955
Funen, Zealand, Lolland, Falster, Bornholm (top) (Source: DoD)



civcivilcivil operator
GPGlide pathGlide path transmitter
ILSInstrument Landing System(Approach and landing aid)
IMInner MarkerMarker beacon just in front the runway
kHzKilohertz(Unit for frequency)
LLocatorNon-directional beacon for the approach
LLZLocalizerLocalizer transmitter
LMMLocator Middle MarkerCombination of Middle Marker and Locator
LOMLocator Outer MarkerCombination of Outer Marker and Locator
mMeter(Unit for length)
MHzMegahertz(Unit for frequency)
milmilitarymilitary operator
MMMiddle MarkerMarker beacon
NDBNon-directional beaconNon-directional beacon on long or medium waves
NMNautical Miles(Unit for length)
OMOuter MarkerMarker beacon
PRMGПРМГ Посадочная радиомаячная группаSoviet / russian military instrument landing system
RSBNРСБН Rадиотехническая система ближней навигацииSoviet / russian military radio navigation system
SBAStandard Beam ApproachApproach system, Lorenz system, predecessor of the ILS
THRThresholdRunway threshold (most often with number of runway)
transf.transformedCoordinates were converted from a different reference system, therefore there may be deviations.
VARVisual-Aural Rnange
VORVHF Omnidirectional Radio Range
WWatt(Unit for power)
WGS84World Geodetic System 1984(geospatial reference system, GPS coordinates)


For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!

Aalborg: Air Base (Flyvestation Aalborg, Aalborg Lufthavn)

Runway 27:
Aalborg: ILS 27
Channel Y. To runway 27 (269°).
Aalborg: NDB
N5706 E00955 (approx.), 268°/1.4 NM to field Google Maps
OZJ, 325 kHz
Located about 2 km east of the main runway.
Aalborg: MM 27
Dot Dash, 75 MHz
Aalborg: IM 27
Dots, 75 MHz

Tirstrup: Air Base (Flughafen Aarhus, Tirstrup Lufthavn)

Aarhus: NDB
N5618 E01041 (approx.), 284°/1.6 NM to field Google Maps
OZD, 394 kHz

Als: NDB
N5452 E00954 (approx.) Google Maps
AL, 323 kHz

Anholt: NDB
N5643 E01131 (approx.) Google Maps
AT, 398 kHz
Operated on 30 minutes request.

Billum: NDB
N5537 E00819 (approx.) Google Maps
OZR, 355 kHz
On airway Amber Seven (A7).

Dalgas: Marker
N5622 E00827 (approx.) Google Maps
75 MHz
On airway Amber Seven (A7).

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!

Hanstholm: NDB
N5707 E00836 (approx.) Google Maps
OWM, 361.5 kHz
At the intersection of airways Amber Seven (A7) and Red Four (R4).

Jernen: NDB
N5524 E01219 (approx.), 043°/16.9 to Copenhagen Katrup Google Maps
JN, 369 kHz
On airway Amber Nine (A9).

Copenhagen: Kastrup Airport (Københavns Lufthavn)

København: Saltholm Flak Locator
N5542 E01244 (approx.), 209°/5.4 NM to field Google Maps
SF, 391 kHz
At Saltholm Flak island.
Runway 04:
København: NDB
N5534 E01235 (approx.), 044°/4.0 NM to field Google Maps
OXS, 383 kHz
København: Range
N5535 E01237 (approx.), 044°/1.2 NM to field Google Maps
CH, 267.5 kHz
The four predefined courses to the Range were: 044°, 134°, 224° and 314°.
Runway 12:
København: Amager Locator
N5540 E01226 (approx.), 115°/8.54 NM to field Google Maps
BL, 320 kHz
Previous ident: NW.
København: ILS 12
OXS2, 109.9 MHz
København: OM 12
125°/3.85 NM to THR 12
Dashes, 75 MHz
København: LMM 12
N5538 E01237 (approx.), 125°/1.08 NM to THR 12 Google Maps
Locator: L, 398 kHz
Middle Marker: Dot Dash, 75 MHz
København: IM 13
125°/0.32 NM to THR 12
Dots, 75 MHz
Runway 22:
København: ILS 22
OXS, 109.1 MHz
København: LMM 22
N5538 E01241 (approx.), 227°/1.18 NM to THR 22 Google Maps
Locator: K, 398 kHz
Middle Marker: Dot Dash, 75 MHz
At Nordre Røse.
København: IM 22
227°/0.04 NM to THR 22
Dots, 75 MHz
Copenhagen Kastrup Airport, Denmark, with radio beacons 1951
Copenhagen Kastrup Airport with radio beacons in 1951 - The range with its four predefined courses was located southwest of the field. (Source: DoD)

Mygenaes: NDB
N6206 W00740 (approx.) Google Maps
MY, 291.9 kHz
Mykineshólmur, Faroe Islands (Færøerne/Føroyar). Operated in clear weather H+00, in fog H+00 and every 6 minutes.

Narsarsuaq: Airport (Narsarssuak Air Base)

Narsarssuak: NDB
N611010 W0452545 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
BW, 279 kHz
Greenland (Grønland). The location of the beacon was indicated as on the other side of the water in the north of the airfield - I wonder if this is correct.

Nolsa: NDB
N6157 W00636 (approx.) Google Maps
NO, 291.9 kHz
Nólsoy (Nolsø), Faroe Islands (Færøerne/Føroyar). Operated in clear weather H+02, 08, in fog H+02 and every 6 minutes.

Odense: Airport (Odense Lufthavn, Beldringe Lufthavn)

Odense Beldringe: NDB
N5528 E01020 (approx.) Google Maps
OD, 349 kHz

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!

Parnas: Marker
N5527 E01136 (approx.) Google Maps
75 MHz
On airway Red One (R1).

Præstø: Presto Marker
N5509 E01159 (approx.) Google Maps
75 MHz
On airway Amber Nine (A9) between Jernen and Rødbyhavn.

Rødbyhavn: NDB
N5439 E01121 (approx.) Google Maps
RY, 328 kHz
On airway Amber Nine (A9) between Presto and Michaelsdorf.

Rønne: Airport (Bornholms Lufthavn, Roenne)

Rønne: NDB
N5503 E01448 (approx.), 294°/1.6 NM to field Google Maps
OZO, 325 kHz
Operated from 0330 to 0900 and from 1500 to 1900.

Roskilde: NDB
N5536 E01205 (approx.) Google Maps
RO, 316 kHz

Simiutaq: NDB
090°/44.9 NM to Narsarssuak Air Base
SI, 359 kHz
Simiutaq: Racon (USAF)
N6041 W04631 (approx.) Google Maps
2-1-1-2, 9310 MHz
Operated continuously.
Greenland (Grønland)

Kangerlussuaq: Airport (Søndre Strømfjord, Søndrestrom Air Base)

Søndrestrom: Racon (USAF)
N6701 W05041 (approx.) Google Maps
2-2-1-1, 9310 MHz
Located at field. Limited to 40 miles in north and south quadrants due to adverse terrain conditions.
Greenland (Grønland)

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!

Thule: Air Base

Thule: NDB
N763229 W0684806 (WGS84, transf.) Google Maps
TL, 321 kHz
Greenland (Grønland)
Thule: Racon (USAF)
N7631 W06842 (approx.), 070°/0.7 NM to field Google Maps
1-2-1-1, 9310 MHz
Operated continuously. Caution: Mast 1,797 feet ASL located approximately 4 miles northeast of beacon.
Greenland (Grønland)

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!


Radio beacons (NDB, Range) in Denmark in the 1950s
Not all labels are shown

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