The following list contains the aeronautical radio beacons that were active in Sweden in the mid of the 1950s. All information is outdated and may not be used for navigational purposes.
In this time there were predominantly non-directional radio beacons (NDB). Ranges became less, but the first VORs came up.
The list in incomplete, as most of the military radio beacons (NDB, Eureka/Anita, BABS/Barbro) are missing
Radio beacons and airways

1 (Source: DoD)

2 (Source: DoD)

3 (Source: DoD)

4 (Source: DoD)

5 (Source: DoD)

approx. | approximately | |
civ | civil | civil operator |
GP | Glide path | Glide path transmitter |
ILS | Instrument Landing System | (Approach and landing aid) |
IM | Inner Marker | Marker beacon just in front the runway |
kHz | Kilohertz | (Unit for frequency) |
L | Locator | Non-directional beacon for the approach |
LLZ | Localizer | Localizer transmitter |
LMM | Locator Middle Marker | Combination of Middle Marker and Locator |
LOM | Locator Outer Marker | Combination of Outer Marker and Locator |
m | Meter | (Unit for length) |
MHz | Megahertz | (Unit for frequency) |
mil | military | military operator |
MM | Middle Marker | Marker beacon |
NDB | Non-directional beacon | Non-directional beacon on long or medium waves |
NM | Nautical Miles | (Unit for length) |
OM | Outer Marker | Marker beacon |
PRMG | ПРМГ Посадочная радиомаячная группа | Soviet / russian military instrument landing system |
RSBN | РСБН Rадиотехническая система ближней навигации | Soviet / russian military radio navigation system |
SBA | Standard Beam Approach | Approach system, Lorenz system, predecessor of the ILS |
THR | Threshold | Runway threshold (most often with number of runway) |
transf. | transformed | Coordinates were converted from a different reference system, therefore there may be deviations. |
VAR | Visual-Aural Rnange | |
VOR | VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range | |
W | Watt | (Unit for power) |
WGS84 | World Geodetic System 1984 | (geospatial reference system, GPS coordinates) |
For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
Åkers styckebruk: Aker NDBN5916 E01705 (approx.)
Google MapsSIB, 309.5 kHz, lower power
(Strängnäs). On airway Red Four (R4).
Bro: NDBN5930 E01739 (approx.), 134°/11.9 NM to Bromma
Google MapsSEP, 385 kHz
Göteborg: Torslanda Airfield
Runway 04:
Göteborg Torslanda: Sandvik LocatorN5742 E01146 (approx.), 039°/0.49 NM to field
Google MapsS, 369 kHz
Operated on request.
Runway 22:
Göteborg Torslanda: ILS 22GB, 110.3 MHz
To runway 22 (219°).
Göteborg Torslanda: LOM 22N5746 E01152 (approx.), 220°/3.4 NM to THR 22
Google MapsLocator: OG, 342 kHz
Outer Marker: Dashes, 75 MHz
Operated on request.
Göteborg Torslanda: LMM 22N5744 E01149 (approx.), 220°/0.65 NM to THR 22
Google MapsLocator: T, 324 kHz
Middle Marker: Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Operated on request.
Göteborg Torslanda: IM 22
219°/0.04 NM to THR 22
Dots, 75 MHz

ILS approach to Göteborg Torslanda Airport in 1954 (Source: DoD)
Gotska Sandön: NDBN5824 E01912 (approx.)
Google MapsGS, 395 kHz
Operated 0300 to 1900 and on request.
Grebbestad: NDBN5842 E01115 (approx.)
Google MapsSIH, 277 kHz
On airway Amber Nine (A9).
Hällnäs: NDBN6032 E01753 (approx.)
Google MapsSIN, 326 kHz
On airway Amber Eleven (A11).
For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
Hallsberg: NDBN5904 E01459 (approx.)
Google MapsSIR, 398 kHz
At the intersection of airway Green Three (G3) and Red Four (R4). Boundary between Göteborg FIR and Stockholm FIR.
Herrakra: NDBN5657 E01515 (approx.)
Google MapsSIM, 367 kHz
On airway Red One (R1).
Jönköping: Airfield
Jönköping: LocatorN5747 E01412 (approx.), 217°/0.73 NM to field
Google MapsR, 325 kHz
Located at Rocksjon. Operated on request.
Jönköping: LocatorN5750 E01417 (approx.), 217°/5.18 NM to field
Google MapsOJ, 354 kHz
Located at Gisebo. Operated on request.
Karlstadt: Jakobsberg Airfield (Karlstad-Jakobsberg flygplats)
Karlstad: LocatorN5921 E01328 (approx.), 359°/0.55 NM to field
Google MapsK, 345 kHz
Operated on request.
Kronobergshed: Airfield
Kronobergshed: LocatorN5659 E01434 (approx.), 187°/1.2 NM to field
Google MapsKR, 328 kHz
(Alvesta). Operated on request to Malmö ACC.
Kullen: NDBN5618 E01227 (approx.)
Google MapsKK, 344 kHz
On airway Amber Nine (A9).
Kungälv: NDBN5750 E01157 (approx.), 217°/8.95 NM to Torslanda
Google MapsSET, 388.5 kHz
On airway Red Four (R4).
For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
Linköping: Saab Airfield (Tannefors)
Linköping Tannefors: LocatorN5825 E01540 (approx.)
Google MapsTF, 590 kHz
Operated on request.
Luleå: Kallax
Luleå Kallax: LocatorN6542 E02148 (approx.), 136°/12 NM to field
Google MapsLU, 338 kHz
Operated on request.
Luleå Kallax: NDBN6531 E02209 (approx.), 320°/1.68° to field
Google MapsSLU, 318 kHz
Operated on request. Northern end of airway Amber Eleven (A11).
Runway 14:
Luleå Kallax: ILS 14LL, 110.3 MHz
To runway 14 (136°)
Luleå Kallax: LOM 14N6536 E02200 (approx.), 136°/4.53 NM to field
Google MapsLocator: OL, 455 kHz
Outer Marker: Dashes, 75 MHz
Operated on request.
Luleå Kallax: LMM 14N6533 E02206 (approx.), 136°/0.81 NM to field
Google MapsLocator: U, 306 kHz
Middle Marker: Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Operated on request.
Lummelunda: NDBN5747 E01830 (approx.)
Google MapsSEK, 351 kHz
Located on the island of Gotland.
Malmö: Bulltofta Airport
Runway 06:
Malmö Bulltofta: LOM 06N5534 E01258 (approx.), 060°/3.87 NM to field
Google MapsLocator: HY, 276 kHz
Outer Marker: Dashes, 75 MHz
On backbeam of the ILS 24. Operated on request.
Malmö Bulltofta: LocatorN5636 E01302 (approx.), 060°/0.77 NM to field
Google MapsS, 337 kHz
Operated on request.
Runway 24:
Malmö Bulltofta: ILS 24BT, 109.5 MHz
To runway 24 (240°)
Malmö Bulltofta: LOM 24N5539 E01311 (approx.), 240°/3.84 NM to field
Google MapsLocator: OT, 351 kHz
Outer Marker: Dashes, 75 MHz
Operated on request.
Malmö Bulltofta: MM 24
240°/0.77 NM to THR 24
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Malmö Bulltofta: LocatorN5537 E01306 (approx.), 240°/0.47 NM to field
Google MapsB, 337 kHz
Operated on request.
Malmö Bulltofta: IM 24
240°/0.17 NM to THR 24
Dots, 75 MHz
Norrfors: NDBN6353 E02004 (approx.)
Google MapsSIO, 364 kHz
(Umeå). On airway Amber Eleven (A11). Operated from 0500 to 2200.
Norrköping: Kungsängen Airfield
Runway 27:
Norrköping: ILS 27NK, 109.5 MHz
To runway 27 (270°)
Norrköping: LOM 27N5835 E01623 (approx.), 272°/3.89 NM (or 4.4 NM?) to THR 27
Google MapsLocator: ON, 324 kHz
Outer Marker: Dashes, 75 MHz
Located at Konungsund. Operated on request.
Norrköping: LMM 27N5835 E01617 (approx.), 272°/0.52 NM to THR 27
Google MapsLocator: K, 377 kHz
Middle Marker: Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Located at Dagsberg. Operated on request.

Approach to Norrköping Kungsängen in 1953 (Source: DoD)
Örebro: Gustavsvik Airfield (Örebro flygfält, Gustavsviksfältet)
Örebro: LocatorN5915 E01515 (approx.), 274°/0.65 NM to field
Google MapsA, 335 kHz
Operated on request.
For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
Överum: NDBN5758 E01624 (approx.)
Google MapsSIX, 346 kHz
(Västervik). On airway Red One (R1).
Purup: NDBN5550 E01326 (approx.)
Google MapsSIP, 375 kHz
On airway Red One (R1).
Rinkaby: Airfield (Åhus)
Rinkaby: LocatorN5600 E01420 (approx.), 232°/1.14 NM to field
Google MapsRI, 363 kHz
Operated on request.
Skara: NDBN5825 E01327 (approx.)
Google MapsSIU, 317 kHz, low power
On airway Red Four (R4).
Skellefteå: NDBN6443 E02104 (approx.)
Google MapsSIK, 324 kHz
On airway Amber Eleven (A11). Operated from 0500 to 2200.
Spånga: NDBN5923 E01755 (approx.)
Google MapsSBX, 344 kHz
Stockholm: Bromma Airfield
Stockholm Bromma: NDBN5918 E01811 (approx.), 295°/7.56 NM to field
Google MapsSN, 335 kHz
Runway 13:
Stockholm Bromma: ILS 13SO, 110.3 MHz
To runway 13 (125°)
Stockholm Bromma: Skalby RangeN592350 E0174910 (approx.), 125°/4.0 NM to THR 13
Google MapsSK, 364 kHz
In the early 1950s, Skalby Range was at the location of the Outer Marker runway 13. The four predefined courses to the range were 026°, 125°, 206° and 305°. It has been later replaced by the locator "OS".
Stockholm Bromma: LOM 13N5924 E01750 (approx.), 126°/3.54 NM to THR 13
Google MapsLocator: OS, 364 kHz
Outer Marker: Dashes, 75 MHz
Located in Skälby, Järfälla.
Stockholm Bromma: LMM 13 (Flysta)N5922 E01755 (approx.), 125°/0.55 NM to THR 13
Google MapsLocator: B, 375 kHz
Middle Marker: Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Sundby. Operated on request.
Stockholm Bromma: IM 13
125° to THR 13
Dots, 75 MHz
Runway 31:
Stockholm Bromma: LOM 31 (Tanto)N5919 E01803 (approx.), 305°/3.41 NM to field
Google MapsLocator: TA, 322 kHz
Södermalm. On back course of ILS 13.
Stockholm Bromma: LMM 31N5921 E01759 (approx.), 305°/0.75 NM to THR 31
Google MapsLocator: U, 344 kHz
Middle Marker: Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
On back course of ILS 13.

Range approach to Stockholm Bromma Airport in 1951 (Source: DoD)

Stockholm Bromma Airport in 1951 - The Flysta "B" NDB is located at the beginning of the approach lights to runway 13 in the west. The course 305° to Skalby "SK" Range 4 miles away leads across the airfield. (Source: DoD)
For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
Sundsvall: Timrå Airport (Sundsvall–Härnösand flygplats)
Sundsvall Härnösand: LocatorN6231 E01727 (approx.), 341°/0.46 NM to field
Google MapsS, 350 kHz
Operated on request.
Sundsvall Härnösand: NDBN6228 E01729 (approx.), 347°/4.07 NM to field
Google MapsSEN, 388 kHz
Located at Alnön. On airway Amber Eleven (A11). Operated from 0500 to 2200.
Svenarp: NDBN5619 E01413 (approx.)
Google MapsSV, 275 kHz
On airway Red One (R1).
Trummen: NDBN5919 E01328 (approx.), 359°/2.46 NM to Karlstad Jakobsberg
Google MapsSEM, 323 kHz
On airway Green Three (G3).
Ugglarp: NDBN5528 E01317 (approx.), 320°/10.8 NM to Malmö Bulltofta
Google MapsUG, 358 kHz, low power
Uppsala: Airfield (Ärna Flygplats)
Uppsala Ärna: LocatorN5952 E01724 (approx.), 076°/5.4 NM to field
Google MapsLP, 438 kHz
Operated from 0700 to 1600.
Uppsala Ärna: NDBN5955 E01735 (approx.), 360°/0.49 NM to field
Google MapsSLP, 438 kHz
Located near Vänge.
Vagnhärad: NDBN5857 E01730 (approx.)
Google MapsSIV, 358 kHz
At the intersection of airway Blue Seven (B7) and Red One (R1).
Vallda: NDBN5728 E01156 (approx.)
Google MapsSIL, 378 kHz
On airway Amber Nine (A9).
For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
Vallentuna: NDBN5933 E01806 (approx.), 203°/12.4 NM to Bromma
Google MapsSEO, 370 kHz
At the intersection of airway Amber Eleven (A11) and Red One (R1).
Västerljung: VORN5855 E01727 (approx.), 217°/2.32 NM to Vagnharad NDB
Google MapsVJ, 112.7 MHz
On test.
Vinga: NDBN5738 E01136 (approx.), 053°/7.0 NM to Torslanda
Google MapsVA, 350 kHz
Located on Vinga island, west of Göteborg.
Visby: Airfield
Visby: NDBN5736 E01823 (approx.), 339°/3.7 NM to field
Google MapsVL, 364 kHz
End of airway Blue Seven (B7). Operated on request.
Runway 21:
Visby: ILS 21VB, 110.3 MHz
To runway 21 (207°). Operated on request.
Visby: LOM 21N5743 E01824 (approx.), 207°/4.0 NM to THR 21
Google MapsLocator: OV, 343 kHz
Outer Marker: Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Operated on request.
Visby: LMM 21N5740 E01821 (approx.), 207°/0.62 NM to THR 21
Google MapsLocator: B, 379 kHz
Middle Marker: Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Operated on request.
For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!

Not all labels are shown

Not all labels are shown