The following list contains the aeronautical radio beacons that were active in Greece in the mid of the 1950s. All information is outdated and may not be used for navigational purposes.
Attention: Taking pictures at military airfields in Greece is prohibited and will be severely punished. According to reports on the Internet, the local population also diligently reports suspicious persons.
Radio beacons and airways in 1955

Kerkyra Corfu, Araxos (Source: DoD)

Thessaloniki, Kavala (Source: DoD)

Alexandroupolis, Mytilini (Source: DoD)

Athens, Iraklio Crete (Source: DoD)

Iraklion, Rhodes, South Aegean (Source: DoD)

approx. | approximately | |
civ | civil | civil operator |
GP | Glide path | Glide path transmitter |
ILS | Instrument Landing System | (Approach and landing aid) |
IM | Inner Marker | Marker beacon just in front the runway |
kHz | Kilohertz | (Unit for frequency) |
L | Locator | Non-directional beacon for the approach |
LLZ | Localizer | Localizer transmitter |
LMM | Locator Middle Marker | Combination of Middle Marker and Locator |
LOM | Locator Outer Marker | Combination of Outer Marker and Locator |
m | Meter | (Unit for length) |
MHz | Megahertz | (Unit for frequency) |
mil | military | military operator |
MM | Middle Marker | Marker beacon |
NDB | Non-directional beacon | Non-directional beacon on long or medium waves |
NM | Nautical Miles | (Unit for length) |
OM | Outer Marker | Marker beacon |
PRMG | ПРМГ Посадочная радиомаячная группа | Soviet / russian military instrument landing system |
RSBN | РСБН Rадиотехническая система ближней навигации | Soviet / russian military radio navigation system |
SBA | Standard Beam Approach | Approach system, Lorenz system, predecessor of the ILS |
THR | Threshold | Runway threshold (most often with number of runway) |
transf. | transformed | Coordinates were converted from a different reference system, therefore there may be deviations. |
VAR | Visual-Aural Rnange | |
VOR | VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range | |
W | Watt | (Unit for power) |
WGS84 | World Geodetic System 1984 | (geospatial reference system, GPS coordinates) |
For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
Alexandroupoli (Κρατικός Αερολιμένας Αλεξανδρούπολης "Δημόκριτος", Kratikós Aeroliménas Alexandroúpolis "Dimókritos")
Alexandroupolis / Αλεξανδρούπολη: NDBN4051 E02557 (approx.), 160°/0.2 NM to field
Google MapsSWD, 351 kHz
Araxos: Air Base (Κρατικός Αερολιμένας Αράξου, Kratikos Aerolimenas Araxou, Patras Araxos Airport)
Araxos / Άραξος: NDBN3810 E02126 (approx.), 197°/1.3 NM to field
Google MapsSWX, 326 kHz
Operated from 0500 to 1900.
Athens: Ellinikon Airport (Hellenikon Air Base, Αθήνα, Κρατικός Αερολιμένας Αθηνών)
Athens Ellinikon / Ελληνικόν: NDBN3752 E02345 (approx.), 330°/1.9 NM to field
Google MapsHN, 372 kHz, 1500 W
Athens Ellinikon / Ελληνικόν: Range/Z-MarkerN3756 E02343 (approx.), 161°/2.3 NM to field
Google MapsHK, 319, 100 W
Elefsis (Αεροπορική Βάση Ελευσίνας)
Elefsis: NDBN3805 E02333 (approx.)
Google MapsEL, 382 kHz, 70 W
Operated from 0500 to 1900.
Heraklion: Airport (Κρατικός Αερολιμένας Ηρακλείου "Νίκος Καζαντζάκης", Kratikos Aerolimenas "Nikos Kazantzakis")
Iraklio / Ηράκλειο: NDBN3520 E02510 (approx.), 110°/1.2 NM to field
Google MapsSWH, 259 kHz, 300 W
Kavala: Amygdaleónas (Καβάλα Αμυγδαλεώνας)
Kavala / Καβάλα: NDBN4058 E02421 (approx.)
Google MapsSWB, 327 kHz, 190 W
No specific working hours.
For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
Kavouri / ΚΑΒΟΥΡΙ: NDBN3749 E02345 (approx.)
Google MapsSWA, 357 kHz, 3500 W
Corfu: Airport (Kerkyra, Κέρκυρα, Αερολιμένας Ιωάννης Καποδίστριας)
Kerkyra / Κέρκυρα (Corfu): NDBN03936 E01955 (approx.)
Google MapsSWK, 403 kHz
Korinthos / Κόρινθος: NDBN3756 E02256 (approx.)
Google MapsPD, 392 kHz, 190 W
Operated continuously, except from 1130 to 1230.
Larisa (Λάρισα, Λάρισσα, Larissa)
Larissa / Λάρισσα: NDBN3939 E02226 (approx.), 080°/1.8 NM to field
Google MapsSWL, 365 kHz, 300 W
Operated from 0400 to 1800.
Mytilini: Airfield (Κρατικός Αερολιμένας Μυτιλήνης, Οδυσσέας Ελύτης)
Mytilini / Μυτιλήνη: NDBN3903 E02637 (approx.)
Google MapsSWY, 397 kHz, 350 W
Nea Anchialos: Airfield (Κρατικός Αερολιμένας Νέας Αγχιάλου, Kratikos Aerolimenas Neas Anchialou)
Nea Anhkialos: NDBN3913 E02248 (approx.)
Google MapsBL, 335 kHz, 300 W
Rhodes: Maritsa Air Base
Rodos / Ρόδος: NDBN3624 E02807 (approx.), 180°/2.0 NM to field
Google MapsSWR, 339 kHz, 350 W
For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
Sitia / Σητεία: NDBN3512 E02606 (approx.)
Google MapsZO, 309 kHz, 100 W
Crete, Lasithi (Κρήτη / Kriti, Λασίθι)
Skopelos / Σκόπελος: NDBN3907 E02344 (approx.)
Google MapsSC, 315.3 kHz, 190 W
Operated from sunrise to sunset according to airline traffic requirements.
Thessaloniki: Mikra Airport (Κρατικός Αερολιμένας Θεσσαλονίκης "Μακεδονία", Mikra Air Base)
Thessaloniki Mikra: NDBN4035 E02256 (approx.), 157°/3.6 NM to field
Google MapsSWC, 345 kHz, 350 W
Sedes: Air Base (Αεροδρόμιο Σέδες)
Thessaloniki Sedes / Σέδες: NDBN4030 E02302 (approx.)
Google MapsSD, 407 kHz, 70 W
Operated from 0500 to 1700.
For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!