Wiesbaden Air Base


Historical approach charts

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN500260 E0081932 (WGS84) Google Maps
Elevation 461 ft
Location indicatorDBWB, EDAW, EDOU, ETOU


Region: Hessen, Taunus, Rhein

Location indicator: DBWB, EDAW, EDOU, ETOU

User: US Air Force (USAF), US Army

In the 1940s

Range approach chart Wiesbaden Air Base, Germany 1948
Range approach (December 1948) - The Range beacon "Frankfurt Radio FT" is located southeast of Rüsselsheim. (Source: US DoD)
Airfield map chart Wiesbaden Air Base, Germany 1948
Airfield map (December 1948) - There is one runway - 08/26: length 1829 m (6000 feet). It is reported to be extended to 7000 feet (U/C = under construction) (Source: US DoD)
Ground Controlled Approach GCA chart Wiesbaden Air Base, Germany 1948
Ground Controlled Approach GCA (December 1948) (Source: US DoD)

In the 1950s

NDB approach chart Wiesbaden Air Base, Germany 1954
NDB approach (January 1954) - The Range beacon "DII" is located southeast of Idstein / northwest of Dasbach. (Source: US DoD / USAF)
Aerodrome map Wiesbaden Air Base, Germany 1954
Aerodrome chart (January 1954) - There is one runway - 08/26: length 2151 m, width 37 m (7057 feet x 120 feet). (Source: US DoD / USAF)

In the 1960s

NDB approach chart Wiesbaden Air Base / Army Air Field, Germany 1960
NDB approach (October 1960) - North of the field is the Range beacon "WBD" with its four beams (Source: US DoD / USAF)
NDB approach chart runway 26 Wiesbaden Erbenheim Air Base 1966
NDB approach runway 26 (May 1966) - Meanwhile, the Range "WBD" has been converted to an NDB. (Source: US DoD)
TACAN approach runway 26 Wiesbaden Airfield, Germany 1966
TACAN approach runway 26 (May 1966) (Source: US DoD)
TACAN approach chart 08 Wiesbaden Erbenheim 1966
TACAN approach runway 08 (May 1966) (Source: US DoD)

Index to the objects shown on the maps


  • Biebrich, Eschborn, Götzenhain, Ober-Olm (Main Finthen), Rebstock, Rhein-Main Air Base, Wiesbaden

Radio beacons:

  • Frankfurt Radio Range "FT"
  • Marxheim NDB "MRX", "MX"
  • Rhein-Main Radio Range "DIF", "RM"
  • Wiesbaden Range "DII", "WBD", NDB "WN", "WR"

Air traffic control

  • Darmstadt Cornbeef Homer
  • Frankfurt Approach Control
  • Wiesbaden Approach, Wiesbaden Tower

Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)


Image credits are shown on the respective target page, click on the preview to open it.


Approach and airfield charts - Federal Republic of Germany

Historical approach and airfield plates


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