Florence Peretola Airport

Aeroporto di Firenze-Peretola "Amerigo Vespucci"

Historical approach and aerodrome charts

Carte di avvicinamento

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN434837 E0111219 (WGS84) Google Maps
Location indicatorLIRQ
Map with location of Florence Peretola Airport airfield, Italy

In the 1940s

Approach chart Florence Peretola Airport, Italy 1945
Approach (April 1945) - A Range beacon (the 4 beams) and a non-directional beacon ("RADIO BEACON") are located in the southeast of the runway. The map was initially classified as "Confidential" and was then downgraded to "Restricted". (Source: US DoD)
Aerodrome chart Florence Peretola Airport, Italy 1945
Aerodrome (May 1945) - There is one runway - length 998 m, width 61 m (3275 feet x 200 feet); an extension with gravel is under construction in the northeast: length 122 m, width 46 m (400 feet x 150 feet). Parking platforms on the sides are made of steel planks. In the south there are four demolished aircraft hangars. (Source: US DoD)

Index to the objects shown on the maps

Radio beacons / Radiofaro:

  • Range, Radio beacon

Air traffic control / Controllo del traffico aereo:

  • Tower


  • Agliana, Bagno a Ripoli, Bisenzio, Borgo san Lorenzo, Campi Bisenzio, Carmignano, Cerbaia in Val di Pesa, Empoli, Fiesole, Firenze, Fiume Arno, Fiume Ombrone Pistoiese, Impruneta, Lastra a Signa, Montale, Montelupo Fiorentino, Montemurlo, Montespertoli, Pistoia, Prato, Quarrata, San Casciano in Val di Pesa, San Piero a Sieve, Sandicci, Sesto Fiorentino, Signa, Vaglia, Vaiano, Vinci

Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)


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Historical approach charts - Italy

Historical approach and airfield plates


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