Turin Caselle Airport

Aeroporto di Torino-Caselle "Sandro Pertini"

Historical approach and aerodrome charts

Aeroporto di Torino-Caselle: Carte di avvicinamento

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN451210 E0073859 (WGS84)
RegionPiedmont / Piemonte, Dora Riparia, Po, Sangone, Stura di Lanzo
Location indicatorLIMF

In the 1960s

ILS approach chart runway 01 Turin Caselle Airport, Italy 1960
ILS approach runway 01 (October 1960) - There is one runway - 01/19: length 3000 m, width 60 m (9843 feet x 197 feet). (Source: US DoD)
ILS approach runway 36 Turin Caselle, 1966
ILS approach runway 36 (May 1966) - Now the runway shown an - 18/36: length 3000 m, width 60 m (9842 feet x 197 feet) - The length is one feet shorter, compared to 1960. The parallel taxiway has been extended to the north. In addition, the identifiers of the beacons have been changed (MM / IMM → TOC) (Source: US DoD)

Index to the objects shown on the maps

Airspace / Spazio aereo:

  • IT(D) 1

Radio beacons with Identifier / Radiofaro:

  • Torino NDB "IMM", "TOC", VOR "TOP", Localizer "MM", "TOC", Outer Marker, Middle Marker

Air traffic control / Controllo del traffico aereo / Communications:

  • Caselle Tower
  • Torino Approach Control, Torino Tower

Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)


396 km away
NDB approach chart runway 05 Aviano Air Base, Italy 1960
166 km away
Airport chart Geneva Cointrin Airport, Switzerland 1951
Image credits are shown on the respective target page, click on the preview to open it.


Historical approach charts - Italy

Historical approach and airfield plates
