For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
Coordinates | N511959 E0101515 (WGS84) Google Maps |
Airfield Id | 3117 |

Germany during the Cold War
The history of the Cold War airfields: Kreuzebra
Location of airfield
South-southwest Kreuzebra.
Usage during the Cold War
Helipad 3177 for Radar company 514 (FuTK-514) of former East German Air Force (NVA LSK/LV).
Runways, taxiways, aprons
Dimensions: 19 m x 19 m, 2 parking pads,
main takeoff and landing direction: 30°,
surface: concrete,
capacity: 1 helicopter.
Stabsnetz S1 73391-84
Airspace and procedures
Usable at day during good weather conditions.
Alert time: 60 minutes.
Waterworks: direction 10°, distance 100 m, height 6 m.
Airfields in the vicinity