Aeronautical radio beacons in Portugal in the 1950s

Rádio-Ajudas à navegação em Portugal nos anos 50: NDB, Range, ILS

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!

The following list contains the aeronautical radio beacons that were active in Portugal in the mid of the 1950s. All information is outdated and may not be used for navigational purposes.

At this time there were only non-directional beacons (NDB) and Ranges. The airports of Lisbon, Porto and Santa Maria were equipped with an Instrument Landing System (ILS). In the early 1950s, there was also a Eureka beacon and a Standard Beam Approach (SBA) system (formerly Lorenz system) in Lisbon.

Radio beacons and airways in 1955

Aveiro, Porto
North (Source: DoD)
South (Source: DoD)
Azores (Source: DoD)



civcivilcivil operator
GPGlide pathGlide path transmitter
ILSInstrument Landing System(Approach and landing aid)
IMInner MarkerMarker beacon just in front the runway
kHzKilohertz(Unit for frequency)
LLocatorNon-directional beacon for the approach
LLZLocalizerLocalizer transmitter
LMMLocator Middle MarkerCombination of Middle Marker and Locator
LOMLocator Outer MarkerCombination of Outer Marker and Locator
mMeter(Unit for length)
MHzMegahertz(Unit for frequency)
milmilitarymilitary operator
MMMiddle MarkerMarker beacon
NDBNon-directional beaconNon-directional beacon on long or medium waves
NMNautical Miles(Unit for length)
OMOuter MarkerMarker beacon
PRMGПРМГ Посадочная радиомаячная группаSoviet / russian military instrument landing system
RSBNРСБН Rадиотехническая система ближней навигацииSoviet / russian military radio navigation system
SBAStandard Beam ApproachApproach system, Lorenz system, predecessor of the ILS
THRThresholdRunway threshold (most often with number of runway)
transf.transformedCoordinates were converted from a different reference system, therefore there may be deviations.
VARVisual-Aural Rnange
VORVHF Omnidirectional Radio Range
WWatt(Unit for power)
WGS84World Geodetic System 1984(geospatial reference system, GPS coordinates)


For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!

Alverca: Air Base

Alverca: NDB
N3853 W00902 (approx.) Google Maps
AR, 262 kHz

Aveiro: Airfield (São Jacinto, Aeródromo Municipal de Aveiro)

Aveiro: NDB (PNAS)
N4039 W00845 (approx.) Google Maps
AV, 291.9 kHz
Operated in clear weather H+14, 44; in fog: H+02 and every 6 minutes.
Aveiro: NDB (PNAS)
N4039 W00845 (approx.) Google Maps
AI, 396 kHz
Aveiro: NDB (PNAS)
N4039 W00845 (approx.) Google Maps
CTA, 318 kHz
Operated on request.

Barcarena: NDB
N3843 W00916 (approx.) Google Maps
LS, 355 kHz

Berlengas: NDB
N3925 W00930 (approx.) Google Maps
IB, 287.3 kHz
Berlenga Grande. Operated in clear weather H+04, 34; in fog H+04 and every 6 minutes.

Cape Roca: NDB
N3847 W00930 (approx.) Google Maps
RC, 308 kHz
Cabo da Roca. Operated in clear weather H+06, 36; in fog H+00 and every 6 minutes.

Coruche: NDB
N3858 W00832 (approx.) Google Maps
CR, 389 kHz
At the intersection of airways ADR (Advisory Route) 527, ADR 548 and ADR 549.

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!

Flores: NDB
N3920 W03118 (approx.) Google Maps
FS, 308 kHz, 200 W

Horta: Seaplane Station

Horta: NDB (civ)
N3832 W02838 (approx.) Google Maps
FY, 294.5 kHz
Azores (Açores). Operated on 30 minutes request to Santa Maria.

Lajes (Base Aérea das Lajes, Base Aérea Nº 4, BA4)

Lajes: NDB
N3842 W02721 (approx.) Google Maps
LJ, 396 kHz, 100 W
Lajes: Racon (USAF)
N384456 W0270424 (approx.), 247°/0.42 NM to field Google Maps
2, 9310 MHz
Operated continuously.
Runway 16:
Lajes: NDB
N3846 W02707 (approx.) Google Maps
GP, 341 kHz, 400 W
In the early 1950s, this beacon was a Range (courses: 073°, 163°, 253° and 343°)
Runway 34:
Lajes: NDB
N3844 W02705 (approx.) Google Maps
DK, 273 kHz, 100 W
Approach to Lajes airfield, Azores
Range approach to Lajes airfield (Azores) in 1951 - The Range is located immediately to the northwest of the airfield. The four courses and the A/N sectors of the Range are depicted on the map (Source: DoD)

Leça: NDB
N4112 W00843 (approx.) Google Maps
LC, 291.9 kHz
Leça da Palmeira. Operated in clear weather H+16, 46; in fog: H+04 and every 6 minutes.

Lisbon: Airport (Aeroporto de Lisboa, Aeroporto da Portela, Aeroporto Humberto Delgado)

Lisbon: Eureka
Lisbon: Beirolas NDB
N3846 W00906 (approx.), 281°/1.6 NM to field Google Maps
LB, 338 kHz, 450 W
Lisbon: SBA
Runway 23:
Lisbon: Range
N3849 W00906 (approx.), 225°/3.0 NM to field Google Maps
PL, 382 kHz
The four predefined courses to the range were 045°, 135°, 225° and 315°.
Lisbon: ILS 23
PA, 109.5 MHz
Operated on request.
Lisbon: LOM 23
225°/4.0 NM to THR 23
Locator: OL, 224 kHz
Operated on request.
Lisbon: LMM 23
223°/0.57 NM to THR 23
Locator: L, 207 kHz
Operated on request.
Lisbon: IM 23
225°/0.03 NM to THR 23
Dots, 75 MHz
ILS approach Lisbon
ILS approach to Lisbon runway 23 in 1954 - In the center of the circle is the Lisbon Range. (Source: DoD)
Aeroporto de Lisboa, Portugal
Lisbon Airport in 1954 (Source: DoD)

Mont D'Or: NDB
N4145 W00852 (approx.) Google Maps
MR, 291.9 kHz
Montedor. Operated in clear weather H+12, 42; in fog: continuous.

Montijo: Air Base

Montijo: NDB (PAF)
N3842 W00902 (approx.) Google Maps
MIO, 322 kHz, 50 W

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!

Ota: Air Base

Ota: NDB (PAF)
N3905 W00857 (approx.) Google Maps
OTA, 378 kHz

Portalegre: NDB
N3918 W00725 (approx.) Google Maps
PM, 364 kHz
On airway ADR (Advisory Route) 527.

Porto: Airport

Runway 18:
Porto: NDB
181°/2.2 NM to field
PO, 327 kHz, 350 W
Porto: ILS 18
PR, 109.5 MHz
Operated on request. On test.
Porto: MM 18
181°/0.6 NM to THR 18
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Porto: IM 18
181°/0.43 NM to THR 18
Dots, 75 MHz

Sagres: NDB
N3700 W00857 (approx.) Google Maps
SA, 277 kHz
No specific working hours

Santa Maria: Airport

Runway 01:
Santa Maria: Range/Z Marker
N3657 W02510 (approx.) Google Maps
Range: STA, 240 kHz
Z Marker: 75 MHz
The four predefined courses to the Range were 010°, 100°, 190° and 280°.
Runway 19:
Santa Maria: NDB
N3659 W02511 (approx.), 190°/1.0 NM to to field Google Maps
SMA, 323 kHz
Santa Maria: ILS 19
SM, 110.3 MHz
Santa Maria: MM 19
190°/0.61 NM to THR 19
Dots Dashes, 75 MHz
Santa Maria: IM 19
190°/0.04 NM to THR 19
Dots, 75 MHz
Santa Maria, Azores, ILS approach runway 19
Santa Maria, Azores, 1954: ILS approach to runway 19 - South of the field is the Range with its four courses and the A/N sectors. (Source: DoD)

Santana: Airport (Aeródromo de Santana)

Santana: NDB (PAF)
N3749 W02534 (approx.) Google Maps
SML, 371 kHz, 1200 W
Rabo de Peixe, Ribeira Grande, Azores (Açores).

Sintra: Air Base (Base Aérea de Sintra, Base Aérea Nº1, BA1)

Sintra/Granja do Marquês: NDB
N3852 W00921 (approx.) Google Maps
STR, 371 kHz

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!

Vilar Formoso: NDB
N4036 W00649 (approx.) Google Maps
PB, 268 kHz
At the northern end of Advisory Route 549.

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!


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