Neubiberg Air Base

Neubiberg Air Base

Historical approach charts - Federal Republic of Germany

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN480422 E0113814 (WGS84) Google Maps
Elevation 1800 ft
Location indicatorDENU (195x), EDSN


Bayern (Bavaria), München (Munich)

Location Indicator:

US Air Force (USAF), German Air Force (GAF)

In the 1950s

Neubiberg Airfield, Germany: Range approach map runway 26, June 1951
Range approach runway 26 (June 1951) - The approach uses the beam 257° from a Radio Range, which is located 13.9 km (7.5 nautical miles) northeast of Neubiberg airfield. (Source: DoD)
Neubiberg Air Base, Germany, June 1951
Airfield (June 1951) - The beam with zones A and N is shown here again. Approach lights are only available for approaches from the east. At this time the field is still operated by US troops. (Source: DoD)
Neubiberg Airfield, Germany: NDB approach chart runway 26, March 1954
NDB approach runway 26 (March 1954) - The Neubiberg Range is no longer shown, instead there is now a non-directional radio beacon (RBN) standing 12 km (6.5 nautical miles) away. The identification of the still existing Munich Range and of the Munich Radio Beacon have changed. The danger area southeast of Neubiberg is no longer shown. (Source: DoD)
Map of Neubiberg Aerodrome, Germany, March 1954
Airfield (March 1954) (Source: DoD)

In the 1960s

The field was taken over by the German Bundeswehr in 1958. This can also be seen on the maps, because the origin of the procedure is now the Luftwaffe (GAF German Air Force).

Neubiberg Aerodrome, Germany: NDB approach chart runway 26, October 1960
NDB approach runway 26 (October 1960) (Source: DoD)
Neubiberg Air Base, Germany: ILS approach runway 26, May 1966
ILS approach runway 26 (May 1966) - As home base of the Lufttransportgeschwader 61 (Air Transport Wing 61), the airfield was equipped with an instrument landing system ILS. (Source: DoD)

Index to the objects shown on the maps


  • München Riem, Neubiberg, Oberwiesenfeld, Schleißheim


  • Danger Area

Radio beacons:

  • Munich Radio Range "DHA", "DMR", NDB "DLM", "DMR"
  • Neubiberg Radio Range "DAN", NDB "NU", ILS "NU", Outer Marker, Middle Marker

Air traffic control

  • München Approach Control
  • Neubiberg Tower

Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)


Image credits are shown on the respective target page, click on the preview to open it.


Approach and airfield charts - Federal Republic of Germany

Historical approach and airfield plates
