Landsberg Air Base, Germany


Historical approach and aerodrome charts

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN480414 E0105422 (WGS84) Google Maps
Federal stateBayern (Bavaria)
Location indicatorDELB (195x), EDSA (196x-199x), ETSA (199x-)


Bayern (Bavaria)

Location Indicator:

US Air Force (USAF), German Air Force (GAF)

In the 1950s

Instrument Approach Procedure Landsberg, US Air Force (May 1956)
Instrument Approach Procedure, US Air Force (May 1956) - This is a jet approach that starts at a high altitude (20000 feet). There is one runway - 076/256: length 2133 m, width 30 m (7000 feet x 100 feet). (Source: DoD)

In the 1960s

Landsberg Air Base, Germany: NDB approach chart runway 07, May 1966
NDB approach runway 07 (May 1966) - Now the runway is shown as - 07/25: length 2134 m, width 30 m (7002 feet x 98 feet). (Source: DoD)
NDB approach chart Landsberg Air Base, 1967
HI NDB Approach runway 07 (1967) - Jet approach that starts at high altitude (FL 210 = Flight Level 210 = 21000 feet) (Source: DoD)

Index to the objects shown on the maps

Radio beacons:

  • Landsberg NDB "LQ"

Air traffic control

  • Fürstenfeldbruck Approach Control
  • Landsberg Tower
  • Munich Control

Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)


Image credits are shown on the respective target page, click on the preview to open it.


Approach and airfield charts - Federal Republic of Germany

Historical approach and airfield plates
