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Airfield Survey 1954
In 1953 and 1954, survey tours took place to identify future air bases for the German Air Force. Old airfields were visited and assessed, if a field can be used, if technical facilities and housing are available und if an extension of the runway up to 2500 m or 3000 m is possible.
In 1954, it was found for Diepholz that the former airfield of 800 m x 1000 m is now farmland and meadow and hence unusable. The runway could only be extended economically up to 1800 meters because of adjacent marshlands. Housing is available for 1000 persons, but first requires repair and relocation of 500 civilians. Warehouses with transport facilities up to 20.000 square meters. Technical buildings have to be contructed completely anew.
Courtesy of Norbert. Thanks!