London Croydon Airport

Historical approach and aerodrome charts

London Croydon Airport

Historical approach and aerodrome charts

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN512111 W0000737 (WGS84) Google Maps
Location indicatorGABA
List of cyber attacks
Map with location of London Croydon Airport, United Kingdom

In the 1930s

London Croydon Airport aerial view
Aerial view from the 1930s - Viewing direction is about south-southwest. (Source: ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv/Stiftung Luftbild Schweiz / Fotograf: Mittelholzer, Walter / LBS_MH05-40-14 / Public Domain Mark)
London, Purley Way / Stafford Road / Denning Avenue
Enlargement: Crossing Purley Way / Stafford Road / Denning Avenue - ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv/Stiftung Luftbild Schweiz / Fotograf: Mittelholzer, Walter / LBS_MH05-40-14 / Public Domain Mark
Croydon Airport
Airport - ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv/Stiftung Luftbild Schweiz / Fotograf: Mittelholzer, Walter / LBS_MH05-40-14 / Public Domain Mark
Movement area Croydon
Movement area - ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv/Stiftung Luftbild Schweiz / Fotograf: Mittelholzer, Walter / LBS_MH05-40-14 / Public Domain Mark

In the 1950s

Map of London Croydon Airport, 1950
Airport (October 1950) - The fields extends in the shown directions - Richtungen 1052 m (3450 feet), 1006 m (3300 feet), 1143 m (3750 feet). (Source: US DoD)

Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)

Title image: Swiss Air Lines Douglas DC-2 115-B HB-ITA at London Croydon Airport, Source: ETH-Bibliothek Zürich, Bildarchiv/Stiftung Luftbild
Schweiz / Fotograf: Swissair / LBS_SR01-02022-44, License: CC BY-SA 4.0

Links - Airport Technical and Aircrew information


only 29 km away
Map of RAF Hendon airfield, 1950
only 30 km away
NDB approach chart RAF Northolt, United Kingdom 1953
only 24 km away
Location of Heston Airport 1939
Image credits are shown on the respective target page, click on the preview to open it.


United Kingdom: Historical airfields and airports

Historical approach and airfield plates

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