The history of the Cold War airfields: Augsburg Haunstetten
During the 1920s/1930s
Information from the Aeronautical Information Publication as of March 1930
For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
Augsburg commercial airfield
Business owner / Administrator
City of Augsburg, Augsburg.
Transport companies / Airlines
Schwäbisch-Bayerische Fluggesellschaft m. b. H. Airlines, Augsburg, Airfield Haunstetterstraße, cable address: Schwabenflug, Augsburg.
Map from 1930
Source: Flughandbuch für das Deutsche Reich
Aerial picture of the airfield, looking northwest (1930)
Source: Flughandbuch für das Deutsche Reich
Airfield characteristics at daytime
The airfield is located 2 km south of the city, east of the railway Augsburg Buchloe. The white poles of the fence are easily visible. The maneuvering area is T-shaped, with the cross bar in the north. In the center is a landing circle with a diameter of 25 m, with the inscription "A". The landing sign of not displayed permanently. Wind sock at the southeast corner of the hangar.
Airfield characteristics at night
No permanent night lighting. On request to the administrator or the airfield police station, green, white and red landing lights, in line parallel to the wind direction. Landing has to be done from green over white to red, right of the line; the front of the hangar will be illuminated on request.
Good sod on gravel.
Shortest rolling length: in east-west direction 700 m.
1 hangar 60 x 45 m, gate width 27,5 x 5 m. The hangar has a travelling cran with a maximum load of 1 t.
The aircraft company located at the northern side of the field allows repairs of all kind. Eletrical power supply: 125, 220 and 380 Volts, 120/150 Amp. 3-phase current with 50 periods. Spare parts for several airplane and engine types in stock.
Fuel equipment
Fuel installation for 25 000 l of petrol and benzene. 3000 l available at any time.
Railway siding
Head platform.
First aid in the case of accidents
To be done by the airfield police station. Emergency room at the aircraft factory. Nearest doctor in Augsburg (2 km away).
Done by airfield police station.
Accommodation of passengers
In the city.
No shuttle service. Tram stop at field, taxis available at any time on call.
During the Cold War
US Army airfield, thereafter general aviation.
03/21: 1000 m x 50 m Grass
In the 1960s
Extract from the topographic map 7631 Augsburg (1964) with the Haunstetten airfield.
Source: Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung, Lizenz: Creative Commons Namensnennung, keine Bearbeitung 3.0 Deutschland (CC BY-ND 3.0)
In the 1970s
Former Augsburg Haunstetten Airfield on a US satellite image from Sunday 28 December 1975 - The airfield has been out of service for about 7 years. The area is snow-covered.