Source: Datenquelle: Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung www.geodaten.bayern.de, License: Creative Commons Namensnennung 3.0 Deutschland (CC BY 3.0 DE)

Aerial picture (2017)

Northern part - Patton Drive, Franklin Drive, Grant Drive, Jeb Stuart Street, Sheridan Drive, Roosevelt Road

Western part - At the bottom, the rifle range is visible. Harmon Boulevard, Kennedy Drive, Mc Clellan Avenue

Central part - The structure of the old Fliegerhorst with the hangars is still visible. Patton Drive, Churchill Road, Custer Road,

Runway 09/27, taxiway to the north-northeast and helicopter parking area.

Training site

The lower half of the picture shows the former Hawk anti-aircraft missile site (Tac site Geldersheim)