Satellite image from 26 July 1980 - 1: air base; 2: auxiliary runway; 3: outer radio beacon east; 4: outer radio beacon west; 5: railway siding; 6: Storage (fuel?); 7: Storage (ammunition?); 8: SAM site; 9: barracks. Places Bebersee, Gollin, Groß Dölln, Groß Väter, Grunewald, Kurtschlag, Storkow, Vietmannsdorf
Enlargement: western partSource: U.S. Geological Survey
Enlargement: eastern partSource: U.S. Geological Survey
Auxiliary runwaySource: U.S. Geological Survey
Storage area near Kurtschlag - fuel dump?Source: U.S. Geological Survey
Storage area near Kurtschlag - ammunition dump?Source: U.S. Geological Survey
SAM site near StorkowSource: U.S. Geological Survey
Airspace and procedures
System of landing approach from a straight line
1st (2nd) direction
Take-off with heading 269° (89°), climb to height 2750 m, with left turn to the outer radio beacon at height 3050 m, level flight at height 3050 m, landing approach with right turn and descent to height 2750m
Source: Main flight rules HFR DDR-81
Simultaneous flying at the Templin and Finow airbases
At the airfield where flights take place outside the flight graphics, these are to be carried out according to the "two 180° turns" system, with the traffic circuit at both airfields to the north.
The flight altitude for
Finow Airbase H = 900 m, for Templin airfield H = 600 m.
After prior coordination between the air traffic control authorities of Finow and Templin airfields (no flight service at
Chojna Airbase), flights at Finow airfield are permitted according to the following straight-in approach system:
1st direction
Take-off with GK = 280°, climb to H = 200 m, turn to course GK = 320° and climb to H = 3650 m (distance 40 km), with right turn approach to the outer radio beacon and climb to H = 3950 m. After crossing abeam Groß Dölln, descend to H = 3050 m, approach with right turn and descend to H = 2750 m.
2nd direction
Take-off with GK = 100°, climb to H = 2750 m, with left turn approach to the outer radio beacon and climb to H = 3350 m, after passing the outer radio beacon further climb to H = 3950 m to the point where the turn begins, landing approach with left turn and descent to H = 3650
Source: Main flight rules HFR DDR-81
1990: 20 GwAPIB (Su-17M-3, Su-17M-4, Su-17UM-3); 487 OBVP (Mi-8, Mi-24)