Colmar Meyenheim Air Base

Historical approach and aerodrome charts

Base aérienne 132 Colmar-Meyenheim (B.A. 132) - Cartes d'approche historiques

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN475521 E0072359 (WGS84) Google Maps
RegionGrand Est, Département Haut-Rhin
Location indicatorLFSC


  • 1951/1952: Construction of the air base
  • Airfield of the French Air Force (Armée de l’air)
  • 2010: The airfield is closed
  • Sine 2010 used by the French Army
Map with location of Colmar Meyenheim Air Base, France

In the 1960s

NDB approach chart runway 20, BA 132 Colmar Meyenheim Air Base, France 1960
NDB approach runway 20 (October 1960) - There is one runway - 02/20: length 2400 m, width 46 m (7874 feet x 150 feet). (Source: US DoD)

In the 1970s

Colmar Meyenheim Base aérienne 132: Photo aérienne / Aerial image 1975
Satellite image from 13 July 1975 (Source: U.S. Geological Survey)

In the 1980s

Colmar Meyenheim Air Base on a map 1981
Colmar Meyenheim Air Base on a map of the US Department of Defense from 1981 (Source: ONC F-2 (1981), Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, University of Texas at Austin)

Index to the objects shown on the maps

Radio beacons / Radiophares aéronautiques:

  • Colmar NDB "CR"

Air traffic control / Contrôle de la circulation aérienne:

  • Colmar Approach Control, Colmar Airport

Source for all maps, if not marked otherwise: US Department of Defense (US DoD)


Image credits are shown on the respective target page, click on the preview to open it.


Historical approach charts - France

Historical approach and airfield plates

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