For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN524135 E0133907 ca. (WGS84) Google Maps (approximate location)
Former East Germany (GDR)District of Frankfurt/O
Federal stateBrandenburg
Location of Albertshof (Ruednitz) airfield
Germany during the Cold War Map
The history of the Cold War airfields: Albertshof


Albertshof was a small landing ground of the Soviet forces, which was put into operation in 1948. Probably it was only a few years in use. Today, the airfield is closed, the (suspected) area is used for agriculture.

Location of airfield

Today Albertshof belongs to the municipality of Rüdnitz and is located 5 km north-east of Bernau. The airfield was probably south-southwest of Albertshof. The exact location can not be determined from the available sources.

During the Cold War


Landing ground of the Soviet forces.


Sketch of Albertshof Soviet landing ground 1950
Sketch of Albertshof landing ground from 1950 - The road towards Bernau probably has to go to the southwest


CIA report from August 1949

The ALBERTSHOF airfield had been newly constructed in June 1949. There are no buildings. The airfield is assumed to be used as an emergency or training airfield. So far, no air unit has been observed being stationed there.
Source: /CIA-RDP82-00457R003300400008-0/

CIA report from September 1949

A long strip was reserved south of ALBERTSHOF (N 53/V 07) as an emergency landing field. It had been declared off limits and was not to be cultivated.
Four biplanes were observed for the first time on the 150-acre improvised airfield located south of ALBERTSHOF on 20 July 1949. These biplanes practiced flying. A field wire line ran ... along the BERNAU-ALBERTSHOF road.
Source: /CIA RDP82-00457R003400490005-0/

CIA report from February 1950

The Albertshof (N 53/Z 96) emergency landing field was unoccupied and unguarded. The landing field was servicable.
Anmerkung: Only individual PO-2s occasionally landed at the field in 1949. No air unit or ground unit is stationed there.
Source: /CIA RDP82-00457R004500230011-9/

CIA report from March 1950

The Albertshof (N 53/Z 96) improvised airfield which was constructed in 1948 was unoccupied. The landing field, about 300 meters x 2 kilometers, was sodded. There were no buildings or hangars. The former road to Schoenfeld (N 53/V 07) which crossed the landing field was blocked. Trees near the field were being cut.
Source: /CIA RDP82-00457R004600560001-3/

CIA status from May 1951

Landing field intact, 500 x 2,000 meters.
Source: /CIA RDP82-00457R008500050009-8/

BND airfield list from 1953

Albertshof: fomer airstrip, not in use.
Source: /Bundesarchiv B 206/3123/





In June 1979 an air show was held at Rüdnitz during the propaganda event "National Youth Festival of the GDR". A contemporary source gave as location "between Rüdnitz and Biesenthal", probably north of Rüdnitz and thus not related to the former Albertshof airfield.



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