Vyškov Highway Strip, Czech Republic

For historical information only, do not use for navigation or aviation purposes!
CoordinatesN491758 E0170135 (WGS84) Google Maps
Map with location of Vyškov Highway Strip, Czech Republic
The history of the Cold War airfields: Vyškov

Location of airfield

The highway strip is located immediately to the east of Vyškov airfield.

During the Cold War


  • 02/20: 2800 m Highway Strip



Vyškov Highway Strip, 2016
Picture from 2016, in northeast direction - Vyškov airfield is on the left. In the background you can see the airplanes in the museum at the airfield
Northeastern end (2010)
Northeastern end (2010) - The white van is on the motorway. In front of it is the parking area, which merges into the runway of Vyskov airfield.
Barriers to the motoway
Barriers to the motoway
Overall view
Overall view - In the background there is a service station. On the right-hand side, the site merges into Vyskov airfield.


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