Image source, unless otherwise noted: GDI-Th, Freistaat Thüringen, TLVermGeo, www.geoportal-th.de, Datenlizenz Deutschland – Namensnennung – Version 2.0, www.govdata.de/dl-de/by-2-0

Erfurt Bindersleben Airport on 01 August 1992

In the west a new railway track was laid

The new track goes away to the north from the siding of the airport.

Southwestern part


Level crossing at Bindersleben

Loading ramp with crane



Aircraft on display, e.g. a Il-18

Building at the airport

The destroyed Tu-134 stood about in the middle of the picture. - Apparently three plates had been laid in the ground as a foundation for them.

This area was previously used for masts, probably antennas. - Now the area is cleared. Possibly there was a connection with the Soviet direction finder.
Soviet naval direction finder
In 1992 the circular antenna (CDDA) of the direction finder was already dismantled. Some cars park on the barracks area. Apparently the Russian troops have left.



Area of the CDDA - The antenna is removed. In the lower half of the large circle another circular structure can be guessed, which has bright plates as its center. This could have been the previous smaller antenna.